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IRC Log for 2012-05-15

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

00:23:46Heyub Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:46:46Watusimoto Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
01:56:18raptorok, well - i don't know what to work on
01:56:39raptori can't do anything with the editor or robots or game objects
01:56:47raptorbecause watusimoto is refactoring like mad
01:57:02raptorso that leaves the UI and interface systems?
02:29:41sam686 has left
02:30:02sam686 has joined
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03:04:44sam686 Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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03:09:44sam686 Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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04:05:48raptor Quit ()
04:09:05FlynnnNT has joined
04:35:27IAmBeardsam686, do you gents have any code for converting an SDL surface to and opengl texture that you're using?
04:46:52sam686mostly no, due to mostly a lack of any textures in Bitfighter..
04:48:39IAmBeardah, no worries, i was actually just getting ready to head to bed, but was curious
04:48:53IAmBeardg'night :)
04:49:06IAmBeard Quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:39:13FlynnnNT Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
06:07:39FlynnnNT has joined
06:24:09koda has joined
06:50:39koda Quit (Quit: koda)
07:00:18FlynnnNT Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
07:03:27Watusimoto has joined
07:07:06FlynnnNT has joined
07:16:32Watusimoto Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
07:35:40watusimoto has joined
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07:36:15sam686 has left
07:57:32kodaws has joined
08:46:55FlynnnNT Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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08:47:39FlynnnNT Quit (Client Quit)
12:23:36kodabbws has joined
12:27:36kodaws Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
12:29:02kodaws has joined
12:31:30kodabbws Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
13:11:43IAmBeard has joined
13:13:53IAmBeardwatusimoto , is bitfighter only targetting opengl1.0?
14:22:07raptor has joined
14:22:07ChanServ sets mode +o raptor
15:15:54raptori made my first github pull request!
15:16:21raptorso far git requires about 1.5 times as many commands as hg
15:22:32IAmBeardgit is horrible, but it's quite powerful once you get the hang of the basics
15:22:39IAmBeardhorrible as in confusing
15:31:38LordDVG has joined
15:35:50raptori wonder how bzr compares
15:39:47TheBeard has joined
15:41:24IAmBeard Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
15:58:14TheBeard is now known as IAmBeard
17:02:19watusimotolast night as I was falling asleep I think I figured out at least part of Sam's NULL problems
17:03:36raptordreamed up the solution?
17:04:18watusimotoI guess!
17:04:38watusimotounfortunately, while I can fix it, I'm not sure I can check it in for a while
17:04:45watusimototoo many things are too badly broken
17:04:58raptori don't dare touch the editor....
17:05:21watusimotoit's not an editor problem
17:05:36watusimotoyou can see it there, but it may be elsewhere as well
17:05:47watusimotowell, mostly an editor problem, I guess
17:06:02watusimotobut we'll probably need to get rid of more classes as a result
17:06:43watusimotook, well I'm heading home
17:08:25IAmBeard Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
17:10:59watusimoto Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
17:11:00IAmBeard has joined
17:14:40LordDVG Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:21:21FlynnnNT has joined
17:38:21Watusimoto has joined
17:41:04kodaws Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
17:45:58raptorhi again
17:46:38raptorm heading out to get the car re-registered
17:46:41raptorbe back in a bit
17:46:54raptor Quit ()
17:46:57FlynnnNT Quit (Quit: Leaving)
17:50:47LordDVG has joined
18:22:01LordDVG Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:36:27raptor has joined
18:36:28ChanServ sets mode +o raptor
18:36:41raptorok back
18:40:34Heyub|2 has joined
18:41:10Watusimoto Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
18:44:48Heyub|2 Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
19:28:47Watusimoto has joined
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21:01:23raptorit compiles?
21:01:33WatusimotoI fixed all the geomtry related crashes that I've been seeing
21:01:48Watusimotoall the ones sam686 was complaining about
21:02:04Watusimotonot sure if I shoudl check it in though
21:02:24WatusimotoI suspect that running bots will crash hard
21:02:51Watusimotogoing to test a few more things
21:02:58raptorthat's ok, iw as actually suprised that bots still ran after the last merge
21:04:12Watusimotoanother crash
21:04:21Watusimotothe copy constructor isn;t copying
21:05:20Watusimotoso I was getting double deletes
21:05:45raptorimage a world where deleting nothing didn't crash...
21:18:52IAmBeard Quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:22:57IAmBeard has joined
21:23:21Watusimotosomething is wrong here
21:23:29Watusimotoif I have Point p, q;
21:23:34Watusimotoand I say p = q
21:23:48Watusimotodo p and q point at the same object? Or does that assignment make a copy?
21:24:45sam686in a case of Point P, Q; P = Q, it will copy contents, and call the operator = if the class have one
21:25:05raptorctrl + click the '=' operator and find out?
21:25:16raptori shoudl start my ide...
21:25:30sam686in a case of Point *P, Q; P = Q, those are pointers..
21:25:50sam686but, if a class have pointers in them, only the pointer gte copied, not the contents itself
21:26:42IAmBeardp=q copies unless you overload the = operator
21:27:40koda has joined
21:27:43Watusimotoyes, that;s what I thought
21:27:50sam686copy constructor never gets called when using = operator...
21:27:56WatusimotoPoint *p, *q they will point at the same object
21:28:25Watusimotook... so why am I seeing the opposite behavior? p = q and now both objects have the same #$% address???????
21:28:34Watusimototime for a total recompile
21:28:40IAmBeardyeah, pointers are just memory addresses, so in essense, you're copying the memory address to another variable thus making them the same
21:29:09IAmBeardwe'd probably need to see the surrounding code context to have a better idea what's happening
21:29:34WatusimotoI wanted to make sure I wasn't confused; I've been wrapped in this crap code for hours
21:29:38IAmBeardare you sure you're not doing something like &p = &q?
21:29:43raptorfull recompile! <-- i support this
21:29:43Watusimotoand what I'm seeing just isn't making sense
21:30:02sam686Point *q; Point p = &q; ?
21:30:12Watusimotoraptor: it's your version of hit ctrl-alt-delete and call me in the morning.
21:30:56raptorso only when your at your wit's end...
21:47:29IAmBeardi'm off for a little bit, but i should be back in an hour and a half or so
21:47:57IAmBeard Quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:56:20WatusimotoGeomObject::GeomObject(const GeomObject &g)
21:56:20Watusimoto mGeometry = g.mGeometry;
21:56:33WatusimotoGeometryContainer mGeometry;
21:56:39Watusimoto(i.e. not a pointer)
21:56:53raptormGeometry is being used for two different objects?
21:57:15Watusimotono; the last line is the declaration
21:57:19Watusimotofrom the .h file
21:57:35Watusimotoafter running the assignment, mGeometry and g.mGeometry have the same address
21:57:48sam686does GeometryContainer have "operator="? any pointer that GeometryContainer have will be copied, but not the contents of pointer itself
21:57:50Watusimotothis should not be
21:58:23Watusimotono bogus overrides
21:59:21sam686what may be confusing is GeomObject::mGeometry is not a pointer, there as GeometryContainer::mGeometry is a pointer
21:59:22WatusimotoI contend that the GeometryContainer copy constructor should be run, but it isn't
21:59:28raptorput the last line on top?
21:59:37raptor shoots in the dark
21:59:37Watusimotothe last line is from the .h file
21:59:41Watusimotothe rest from the .cpp file
21:59:44raptorah, ok
21:59:46Watusimotosorry, should have made that clearer
22:00:19Watusimotoanyway... this is why we're getting goofball geometry problems in the editor
22:00:54Watusimotocopy an object, then delete one of the copies, but since both copies opint to the same thing, kaboom
22:01:12Watusimotothere were other problems too, but this is the one underlying them all
22:01:32sam686the problem may be both GeometryContainer::mGeometry might point to the same Geometry...
22:02:07raptorfruit loop
22:02:36raptorGeometry -> GeometryContainer -> Geometry -> GeometryContainer
22:10:16Watusimotonow that's messed up
22:10:29WatusimotoI just deleted the line in question, and now it works
22:30:39Watusimotowhat's the vote. check in or not?
22:30:45Watusimotobots will crash the game
22:30:53raptorthat's ok
22:30:55raptori don't mind
22:31:04Watusimotobut the editor seems to work, and the game itself seems to wrok, thoguh has not been extensively tested
22:31:10raptori vote check in
22:31:10Watusimotosam686: have an opinion?
22:32:02WatusimotoI'm going to check in
22:32:21Watusimotoactually, bots probably don;t work with what's in the repo anyway
22:32:35Watusimotoat least here the editor works
22:35:53Watusimotomore classes have been deleted herin
22:38:43BFLogBot - Commit a41892916163 | Author: watusim...@bitfighter.org | Log: Bot refactor in mid stream. Checkin in because this version fixes editor crashes related to NULL geometry.
22:39:11raptorwhoa lots o' files
22:43:45BFLogBot - Commit a230f253b637 | Author: watusim...@bitfighter.org | Log: New music idea
22:46:01raptori've heard this before..
22:57:57sam686just came back after i was gone for about 20 minutes...
23:01:13WatusimotoI proposed lollipop earlier
23:01:23raptoryay LuaW out-of-order error somewhere, i think
23:02:52Watusimotolua is currently fubar
23:03:05raptorah, all the logging lines are broken
23:03:10raptorweird error...
23:03:20Watusimotoeverything is broken
23:03:21raptorLuaWrapper.h:88:53: error: must #include <typeinfo> before using typeid
23:03:33raptorok, i'll just wait out the storm
23:03:48BFLogBot - Commit a6867013d75d | Author: watusim...@bitfighter.org | Log: Delete unused code
23:04:16Watusimotoyou can comment that line out
23:04:29raptorthere are several...
23:04:31Watusimotoor add the include
23:06:00koda Quit (Quit: koda)
23:06:24raptorinteresting runtime type information
23:08:24raptorPANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempting to extend Ship by a type that has not been registered)
23:08:25raptor*** glibc detected *** ./bitfighter: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000001152130 ***
23:08:38raptor^^ just with hosting
23:10:28Watusimotojust hosting caused the crash?
23:10:33raptoryup yup
23:10:58raptorand pages and pages of memory corruction stack trace
23:11:25Watusimotono bots?
23:11:41Watusimotono levelgens?
23:12:00raptorhmm... maybe levelgen, let me double check
23:12:31raptoryes there was a levelgen
23:12:38raptorok, it doesn't crash on non-levelgen
23:13:51BFLogBot - Commit 5fb11dabd4de | Author: buckyballreaction | Log: Fix compiling in Linux. Revert this change after removing debug statements
23:14:16Watusimotoraptor: would you rebuild doxygen at your convenience?
23:14:27Watusimoto(polite, not begging)
23:14:46WatusimotoI find it quite useful as I'm moving things around
23:16:21raptorok updated
23:16:40raptori should set up an script for that... maybe later tonight
23:20:08Watusimotohttp://bitfighter.org/~raptor/doxygen/post017b/class_zap_1_1_bf_object.html shows that luaObject is parent of bfObject (which it is)
23:20:24Watusimotobut http://bitfighter.org/~raptor/doxygen/post017b/class_zap_1_1_lua_object.html does not
23:20:44raptorrefresh teh page?
23:20:48raptorclear the cache?
23:20:53raptori see BfObject at the top
23:20:56Watusimotonever mind
23:20:56Watusimotorefresh fixed it
23:20:56Watusimoto Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:21:35raptori bet f5 closed his irc window
23:22:08Watusimoto has joined
23:22:12raptorwelcome back
23:22:17Watusimoto Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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23:23:33raptorscientific method?
23:24:26raptorfound one hierarchy problem:
23:24:45raptormaybe not a problem
23:25:04Watusimototwo luaObj parents?
23:25:18raptoryes, but maybe that because you haven't gotten rid of LuaProjectile yet..
23:25:21WatusimotoI just deleted the luaProjectile one, and am trying to compile now
23:25:32WatusimotoluaProjectile will be going
23:27:30raptorok, i'm heading home
23:27:35raptorgood night if i don't see you later
23:29:42raptor Quit ()
23:48:58BFLogBot - Commit 455cfa3eeed6 | Author: watusim...@bitfighter.org | Log: Bots probably even more broken, but get rid of LuaProjectile class
23:48:59BFLogBot - Commit d7a100eafa70 | Author: watusim...@bitfighter.org | Log: Merge
23:57:14raptor has joined
23:57:14ChanServ sets mode +o raptor

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