Ship configuration (weapons & modules)

From Bitfighter
Revision as of 03:37, 10 October 2012 by Amgine (Talk | contribs)

Each ship can be configured with 2 modules and 3 weapons. The loadout select menuallows the player to choose a new ship loadout configuration. This configuration will not become available until the player flies over a loadout zone.


Energy is a key part of gameplay in Bitfighter. Without energy you cannot use modules or weapons (excluding the phaser and armor). By using these modules and weapons, your energy gets lower. If your energy runs out, you can't use most modules and weapons. You then must wait until your energy regenerates. While your energy is regenerating, you are highly susceptible to damage. Because of this, it is recommended you monitor your energy bar, which is located at the bottom left of the screen in-game. If your energy goes below the yellow bar near the left of the energy bar, you may not use a module until your energy gets above that line, even if the module your using doesn't need that much energy.


Modules are special powers that can be activated by pressing the appropriate module activation key. The modules are:

  • Boost: Lets the ship travel faster
  • Pulse Lets the user cross areas in a stright line quickly
  • Shield: Creates a shield around the ship that reflects shots
  • Repair: Repairs self, teammates, and other team objects that are damaged
  • Sensor: Lets the player see further, makes enemy mines more visible, and lets player see projectiles on the commander's map. Players with this module can build spy bugs.
  • Cloak: Turns the ship invisible
  • Armor: Adds protection to ship in exchange for poorer handling
  • Engineer: Allows players to build turrets and forcefields with resource items. (Not allowed on all levels.)

ModuleDescriptionOperationEnergy UsedMin Energy
BoostIncreases the ship's speedActive15%0%
PulseIncreases the ship's speed qucily in a straight lineActive100%0%
ShieldCreates yellow ring around ship that will reflect all damage.Active27%0%
RepairRepairs a player or engineered object around youActive15%0%
SensorIncreases your line of sight and what you seeActive8%0%
CloakMakes you invisible to the enemy eye, however, it does not affect the flagActive8%0%
ArmourUses no energy and absorbs some of the damage from shots fired at you.Passive0%0%
EngineerIf enabled by the map, allows you to take small square objects called "resource items" and build them into turrets and force-fields.N/A50%0%


  • Phaser: Simple shoot-em-up weapon. Uses little energy, does little damage.
  • Bouncer: This weapon is like the phaser, but takes up more energy, but bounces off walls.
  • Triple: Takes up lots of your energy, and fires 3 shots at a time.
  • Burster: Unlike other weapons, you can hit it, and gives an area of effect.
  • Mine: Explodes when a weapon/ship hits it. (after the creator of the mine has left the mine's range)**
  • Spy Bug: Spy bugs are only available if you have chosen the sensor module.

WeaponDescriptionDestructionEnergy UsedMin Energy
PhaserSimple, rapid fire, straight shot weapon21%.5%.5%
BouncerLike the phaser, except more energy usage, and it bounces off walls. Powerful, but potentially dangerous to the shooter.14%1.8%1.8%
TripleSimilar to phaser, but fires a fan of three projectiles at about a 5-10 degree span14% (per projectile)2.1%2.1%
BurstGrenade-like projectile that automatically detonates in 3 seconds, causing area damage effects. Bounces off of walls and other items.Up to 50% (depends on distance)5%5%
MineA simple stationary weapon, becomes active when the creator leaves its range. Detonates when it comes in contact with a ship or projectile. Easy to see for the creator and teammates, hard to see for anyone else (small and 25% visible).Up to 50% (depends on distance)55%55%
Spy BugCan only be used/created if the Sensor module is selected. Makes surrounding areas of the commander's map visible to player and teammates.None, only if destroyed50%50%