BitFighter Advertising Sub-Forum
I think that a minimal-cost advertising campaign could really help grow the gaming community. By targeting gaming stores, cyber cafes, and programming clubs with snail-mail, we could reach out to a large number of people in an original way for little more than the cost of stamps and envelopes.
To avoid any kind of elitism, I think this should be a volunteer effort open to the whole community. However, there would need to be some coordination to make it efficient (maybe one person could do research/find addresses, one person could write up letters, and someone else could mail the things).
Naturally, I think a sub-forum would be most useful for this effort, and in this sub-forum I think three sections would be useful:
1) Research (Potential Contacts)
2) Strategy (Pre-written letters)
3) Correspondence (Who we've contacted already, and a summary of their response, if any).
#3 would mostly be so we could judge the effectiveness efforts based on feedback/results, and so that we don't bother people with multiple attempts.