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End of Year Contest: Results!



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Post Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:56 pm

End of Year Contest: Results!

The final round of voting has concluded! Thanks to everyone who took part in this contest, be it creating levels, playing in parties, hosting servers, writing feedback or reviews, etc.

Drumroll please...

Congratulations to Civil War II and Day of the Dead, winners of the End of Year Level Design Contest in the Year to Remember and Holiday Bonanza themes, respectively!

Murder Hornets (Nexus) and Beekeeper's Revenge finished second and third in the Year to Remember theme while Spin the Dreidel and Santa's Sleigh Ride finished second and third in Holiday Bonanza.

View results of each round of voting here: Rd 1, Rd 2, Rd 3

Full Results — Year to Remember

  • 1. Civil War IIQuartz
  • 2. Murder Hornets (NEX)Quartz
  • 3. Beekeeper's RevengeSkybax
  • 4-Tie. AfterglowFootloose
  • 4-T. Shopping During the PandemicNumbers
  • 4-T. The Big 'RonaQuartz
  • 7. The Two-Party SystemQuartz
  • 8-T. Murder Hornets (BM)Invader Alex
  • 8-T. Ballot Counting Simulator 2020Little Apple
  • 8-T. El Gendrado FireNumbers
  • 11-T. Bobdaduck is Freaking DeadBobdaduck
  • 11-T. The Political CompassQuartz
  • 11-T. Rest in DuckSkybax
  • 11-T. Requiem for a DuckLittle Apple
  • 15-T. Electoral College 2020Zemmer
  • 15-T. Social DistancingNalegsos
  • 15-T. CervesaSkybax
  • 15-T. Socially-Distant BitmatchQuartz
  • 19. ConfusionZer0
  • 20-T.* The Great Toilet Paper Roll BattleSky_lark
  • 20-T.* The Last Toilet Paper RollSky_lark
Full Results — Holiday Bonanza

  • 1. Day of the DeadArctic
  • 2. Spin the DreidelArctic
  • 3. Santa's Sleigh RideArctic
  • 4. Pickle PitNumbers
  • 5. Matunda ya KwanzaQuartz
  • 6. Amazing Technicolor Xmas HendecaNumbers
  • 7. Christmas TreeArctic
  • 8. Jack-o'-lanternArctic
  • 9. Xmas RageTheMagicNacho
  • 10-T. CoronavivaciousQuartz
  • 10-T. Menorah MapQuartz
  • 12-T. Toppled Tree TussleNumbers
  • 12-T. NYE Ball DropArctic
  • 14-T.* The Return of Lord SpookySky_lark
  • 14-T.* Pass the Turkey, PleaseSky_lark
  • 14-T.* Black FridaySky_lark
Levels by Author

  • Quartz (9) — Civil War II, Murder Hornets (NEX), Socially-Distant Bitmatch, The Big 'Rona, The Political Compass, The Two-Party System; Coronavivacious, Matunda ya Kwanza, Menorah Map
  • Arctic (6) — Christmas Tree, Day of the Dead, Jack-o'-lantern, NYE Ball Drop, Santa's Sleigh Ride, Spin the Dreidel
  • Numbers (5) — El Gendrado Fire, Shopping During the Pandemic; Amazing Technicolor Xmas Hendeca, Pickle Pit, Toppled Tree Tussle
  • Sky_lark (5) — The Great Toilet Paper Roll Battle, The Last Toilet Paper Roll; Black Friday, Pass the Turkey Please, The Return of Lord Spooky (submitted after deadlines and thus ineligible for voting)
  • Skybax (3) — Beekeeper's Revenge, Cervesa, Rest in Duck
  • Little Apple (2) — Ballot Counting Simulator 2020, Requiem for a Duck
  • Zer0 (1) — Confusion
  • The Magic Nacho (1) — Xmas Rage
  • Zemmer (1) — Electoral College 2020
  • Footloose (1) — Afterglow
  • Nalegsos (1) — Social Distancing
  • Invader Alex (1) — Murder Hornets (BM)
  • Bobdaduck (1) — Bobdaduck is Freaking Dead
Contest Wrap-up

As mentioned previously, Arctic and I are ineligible for contest prizes, and each user can only win one prize, so this results in the following prize distribution:

  • Quartz$20.20 (1st in Year to Remember)
  • Numbers$20.20 (Highest Eligible in Holiday Bonanza)
  • Skybax$5 (2nd Highest Eligible in Year to Remember)
  • TheMagicNacho$5 (2nd Highest Eligible in Holiday Bonanza)
Look out for a message from me shortly for payment information!

Note: I offered an additional $5 bonus to each 1st place level if they were submitted prior to the original deadline of December 16th, but in this case both were submitted after this deadline.

Thanks again y'all! I encourage everyone to upload their levels to Pleiades. Was a lot of fun overall, and there was good feedback that I'll incorporate into the next contest. That said, someone else feel free to host one as it might be a while before I get around to it :)
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invader alex

Posts: 23

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:44 pm

Post Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:35 am

Re: End of Year Contest: Results!

Congratulations Quartz, Numbers and Arctic too. Was not expecting Murder Hornets (NEX) to be by Quartz considering how much he trashed in the discord talk channel.

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