Sorry I'm so incredibly late to this, many personal things came up and I've been stressed out of my

for months, but I felt bad because I was actually pretty pleased with the quality of most of these maps so I wanted to make sure to give everyone feedback on them! Also bots don't work on like hardly any of these maps which means I don't have to worry about "team balancing". I'm a critic at heart but just know despite the poor ratings for the maps im proud of all of u and it felt like bitfighter was actually competitive for the first time in a while
An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)
A simple and classy zone control. I would have liked to see a little more innovation rather than centralized gameplay with a couple of escape hatches, but it follows the formula well and the formula is popular for a reason. 6/10
Anchor (RET)
Unbalanced, since red and yellow have no quick way to assault each other, but both have a quick way to assault blue. I don't really like it, I think if it was me doing it I would incentivize the center corridors and make the side corridors long and cluttered/costly. That said, this map isn't obnoxious to play. 5/10 for sparseness.
Assault (RET)
A little low effort so I can't rate it highly, but plays well. A good example of minimalism. Maybe a nonintrusive levelgen or solid decoration could make it more interesting. The side projector adds a lot. 5/10
Boss Battles (RET/Offense Defense)* (ineligible for voting)
I am a little tired of onslaught maps, they're all kind of emperor's revenges but without the turrets being preset, but emperor's revenges were always low-effort dungeons that were only really fun like once every couple of months. I think the recent wave of zombie maps is a much funner type of one-sided dynamic. I can see this particular map being fun when people are specifically in the mood for it, it doesn't have a lot of the annoying maze-like features others of its genre have (the levelgen makes this a TON smoother), though the third area isn't the best, I think it feels too porous and indefensible. 4/10, because I would rather play the other maps, not because the mapmaker was not skilled.
Chaos Theory (NEX)
Interesting concept, a bitmatch with bonus grabs and different kill stealing. I think it misses a little in its execution, but maybe its just because we didn't play with enough players. Less bottlenecking and outskirts-oriented play would make the map feel less barren.
Clogged Pipes (CTF)
The tragedy of the commons is quartz' manhole cover map being remade with a billion resource maps in all the corridors, this feels awful to play even if you win. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Pretty, but no gameplay to speak of. 3/10
Construction (CTF)* (ineligible for voting)
I don't think there's a need for all these timer mechanics, Castles™ was plenty of fun to engineer the crap out of even with teams being allowed to go at each other from the get-go. Honestly, I feel like this map is really well designed, and the engineer gimmick takes away from that a ton. I think this could be a great map of multiple gametypes if you just removed all the resource items and the core. The levelgen could be more intuitive. 7/10
Containment (COR/Soccer-ish) (ineligible for voting)
Haha what the heck I never played this one. I like the gummy resources, I wish the concept was developed into a real map (4v4 scale?) rather than the proof of concept we're getting here. 4/10
Death Bump (HTF)*
Really good use of slipzones, and levelgen, but unfortunately the map is simply not fun to play. Also, rather than submitting three versions for different sizes, the levelgen could be modified to open areas up on load, or even dynamically. Death for misstepping is harsh penalty in a map designed to force missteps, and also the red and stuff makes the map quite confusing. There's a lot of room for improvement here, maybe have some regular gameplay in some section of it or something? 4/10
Definitely (COR)
I think the linearness of the map makes defense a losing game. The stopped cores are interesting but don't add much, I don't think the map maker put in a lot of effort 4/10
Forcefield Fortress (CTF)
This plays pretty well for how simple it is. I think there's room to make it more interesting without losing from the core gameplay, and the "fortress" could be made more robust by making repairing forcefields more valuable. A different gametype could shake things up also. 7/10
Geode (RET)
LED But Worse (HTF)
The text in the center is very good. In principle I'm against HTFs with massive score limits and velocities that make no sense. 3/10
Nested (RET)*
In principle, the gameplay on this map reduces to a simple circle, so it would feel better if that's what the map was. The HUD concept is great, but there's not really any gameplay. Thankfully there's not a lot of flags or a high score limit but its still kind of boring, it feels like a generic map even though it isn't. I'm also against maps that are deliberately confusing, on principle. 5/10
Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)
Honestly the testitems as barriers makes gameplay feel pretty open, to me. Score to win and time should be reduced, good at what it is. 5/10
Rave for Downers (BM)*
Does this map need a review? What am I supposed to critique?
Release the Kraken (CTF) (ineligible for voting)
Kind of a fun novelty map, I'll need to play it with a decent amount of people to figure out its strengths and weaknesses. Its a little confusing but once you figure out the like, two, routes, its not confusing anymore, so that's fine. 6/10
Ridge (CTF)
Engineer feels like a cop out here, like you're trying to leave it up to the players to make the map interesting. I don't like how long all of the routes are, and I think a different gametype such as core would suit it better. 4/10
Rigatony Rugby (COR/Soccer-ish) (ineligible for voting)
the soccer maneuvering is tricky enough that the cores should have a lot less health- I'm against soccer gimmick footwork maps, but this is fine for people who enjoy the genre, since there's normal dogfighting for it. Probably mostly spray and pray shots on goal though. 4/10
Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)
This one is kind of miserable to play, and I don't know how to salvage it. Its like, you're getting harassed, but you can't really harass back without falling behind, but if you don't your team will fall behind too, and also there's a bunch of just stuff in the way. 2/10
Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)*
Kind of fun to see my smash bros script getting mileage again, I feel like it has more potential than this though. Rotating speedzones are a funny touch. Kind of empty, 4/10
The Level You'll Vote For (COR)
The whirlpools are very interesting, but the clunk-clunk-clunk is kind of irritating, because it keeps you from being able to disengage from the core, but in a way that requires a lot of maneuvering around little dots you can barely see while you're being shot at. I've got a gravity well script you could replace them with maybe? I would open up the spawns and make an extra set of corridors between cores. 5/10
Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)
Well its another huge zombie map, I feel like these pretty much all play the same way, humans can win but like only if no human dies for the entire time, I think that part could be rebalanced so zombies can't camp (as much). the engineer thing is interesting, I don't think engineering is powerful enough to keep the zombies out here, I'd be surprised if zombies have ever lost on this map. 4/10