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October Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:57 am
by karamazovapy
Congratulations to bobdaduck on his winning map, Hexadecimate!

In case you hadn't guessed, our levels and designers were as follows:
C\A/T/A\C|O-M-B|S - _k
Hexadecimate - bobdaduck
Osteoporosis - Skybax
Rapidly Thrown - Qui
Teleport Madness - sky_lark
TheEnigma - Cracatoa

Authors are welcome to post their levels, and/or give some thoughts on design. Thanks to everyone who made a map or participated! The November theme will be posted soon!

Re: October Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:51 pm
by Cracatoa
LOL! Two people voted for mine in the first round and neither of them were me!

Re: October Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:37 am
by karamazovapy
For what it's worth, the slashes and dashes and whatnot in CATACOMBS represent the order in which the sections of the levelgen run.



Also, the logic to get each intersection to draw properly (2 parts connecting\/, 2 parts separate, various 3 part Ts, and 4 part Xs) was pretty rough. Connections between the NN, WW, EE, and SS grid pieces were the most complex, as each of those sections could appear under a variety of circumstances.