Big Bitfighter Battle XII - Sunday, November 8th!
If you're unfamiliar with Big Bitfighter Battles, they were ran by _k and raptor in 2010-14. The original was a whopping six hour marathon with over 40 matches! BBBs have scaled down a bit but are still a ton of fun: Play a bunch of levels and try to rack up wins, with the top dog receiving a small prize.
BBB 12 Overview
- BBB 12 will begin Sunday, November 8th at 9:00pm and last for around three hours.
- The event will consist of 39 total levels lasting 4-5 min each, though some may have shorter or longer timers.
- There will be a 20-minute break occurring after the 20th level concludes. The 21st level will begin exactly 20 minutes later.
- Bobdaduck’s Overtime script will be in effect. If the score is tied at the end of the match, one additional minute will be added to the match timer. Note: This is NOT sudden death/next point wins -- Play for the full minute! If the score is tied after one extra minute elapses, then the match is over.
- The exact level playlist and order will be released by Saturday, November 7th. If you’d like to submit a level for consideration, comment it below or message me! I’d love to include a few brand new levels too if you’re working on some.
- In general, if you or your team wins a match, you get one point. The player with the most points is BBB Champion! There are some nuances, but that’s the gist of it.
- For FFA matches, the top THREE finishers will each receive one point. If there is a tie that extends out of the top three, each of the tied players will receive one point.
- If a tie occurs in a team match, and overtime does not resolve the tie, each of the tied players will receive half a point.
- The BBB Champion will receive $20.20 via Paypal, Venmo, or gift card.* If Arctic or I win, the money will go to next place.
- The "Ultimate Loser" (actively plays at least 25+ levels and has the WORST record) will receive a $2 consolation prize.* They can also have it donated to a charity they choose.
- In the event of a tie for first or last, tied players may choose to split the pot evenly or have a Bot Battle to determine the winner (ie. have s_bots duke it out in a small arena). Note: Tied players must agree for a Bot Battle to occur.
*Note: Prizes will only be awarded if at least 10 matches are played with at least 10 simultaneous, active-ish players in each match (ie. not just afk). This should be an easy bar to clear -- most BBBs and parties get 15-20+ players.