Downloading all these is a pain. Note: .zip file format destroys levelgens, but 7zip file format does not. Some zip programs work, others don't, but downloading everything individually is less than fun xD
Ark reactor: The pathways are confusing and the speedzones are confusing. Its pretty big too, but its narrow, so with a lot of people the map would still feel empty. I imagine that if it were a map people played really often (often enough to get a feel for the map, which will take longer on this map than others because its confusing) it could be a lot of fun. As is I bet everyone just only takes the speedzone corridors and nothing else.
Flowering night: I like how linear this is. Burst knocking people into the respawn path might be interesting too.
The Devils Playground: I love the mechanic. Honestly it'd probably play average, but it'll be fun to play anyway.
Push of War: I'm against any map with engineer. There might be a few too many entry points, but I'm excited to see how this map plays out. Feels like most of the map is unnecessary and open though.
Scarlet Devil: The goalzone barriers make shooting the core hard, AS IT SHOULD BE. Good solid map, looks great. 10/10 would review again.
Scarlet Devil: The goalzone barriers make shooting the core hard, AS IT SHOULD BE. Good solid map, looks great.
Times Scar: The random flags in the left maze are iffy. this level shows a level of levelgen choreography that I only wish I could attain. Looks like it will play great too.
Whirlpool: Not anywhere near as good as the others. Feels thrown-together. Not thoroughly tested enough either; engineering a turret breaks the levelgen
All and all though, these are amazing.