Special Characters in Level Filenames
I can put those special characters in the filenames on my computer, then load the levels in-game by scrolling to the level or pressing tab-to-complete. But I can't actually type the special characters in the level selection menu. Zap! supported special characters in-game, so I now have hundreds of levels which are tricky to open... was the disabling of that in Bitfighter intentional design?
Furthermore, I think I found a bug? When pressing tab-to-complete in the level selection menu, quotation marks surround the entry. Quotation marks aren't typically part of a level's filename, so when pressing return a blank (new) level is loaded. So when I press tab-to-complete I have to delete the quotation marks first to get the level to load properly... kinda defeating the whole "quick shortcut" aspect.
I could've sworn I made a case for the latter in google code, but I couldn't find an for it. :/