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Bitfighter 019 bugs



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Post Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:36 pm

Bitfighter 019 bugs

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Post Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:31 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs


1 When we change map in a game, I see for a split seconds another part of the map. This happened to me before, but I thought it would get repaired (sorry!) Fixed by watusimoto

2 Using /rate gives Error 400 when you are not hosting the server. Sam686 says: "sometimes after you done hosting but not quit the game, and join a server, /rate sometimes continue to work" Fixed by watuismoto/kaen

3 When going into cmap, I find that the stars stay there too long while zooming out. Fixed by watusimoto

4 Since when that instructions are secret?? Main menu instructions haha Feature, not bug!

5 When adding a bot in levelfile, they always have .0? Fixed by watusimoto

5a It is not clear you have to press escape to get rid of "popup" error messages (the red ones) Fixed by raptor

6 When you get kicked out because server got shutdown and you see the alert message over the menu, the menu words ("PLAY" etc) overlap the "Release 019" a little. Fixed by watusimoto

On Windows Xp
Last edited by Fordcars on Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:54 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

- Editor secrets page is way, messed up. Jumbled text and stuff. Fixed by raptor

- Ctrl+. plugin is missing a description in the instructions screen. [edit: whoops nevermind, this plugin didn't come with the game] Not a bug?

- Advance weapon is listed twice in the define keys menu - is this intentional? Intentional, not a bug

- Help item suggested I had picked up an item when I hadn't. Not sure if that was a one-time thing or reproducible.


edit: os is Mac OS X 10.6.8 running the 32 bit universal. I don't know why I downloaded that version over the 64 bit. o.O
Last edited by sky_lark on Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:43 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Bots: in level "Clot", after a bot on red team grabs blue flag, bot doesn't go straight to the teleporter but goes a long way around into a teleporter, it makes bot look stupid.

sky_lark wrote:- Editor secrets page is way, messed up. Jumbled text and stuff.
Screenshot? I don't see nothing messed up.

sky_lark wrote:- Advance weapon is listed twice in the define keys menu - is this intentional?
Probably need to change that to have up to 2 buttons per command. It is for "Scroll up" "Scroll down" for mouse having a scroll spinning wheel, useful to easily change weapons.

Don't assign "Fire" "Module" "Move" as a "Scroll up" or "Scroll down" because it doesn't work.

Testing from editor with bots added:
/showpaths crashes
/showbots do nothing, it won't show all bots on commander map
Appear to be fixed, or at least I could not reproduce


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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:54 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

The bots are acting stupid in all the levels lol
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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:17 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Fordcars wrote:-Using /rate gives Error 400 when you are not hosting the server. Sam686 says: "sometimes after you done hosting but not quit the game, and join a server, /rate sometimes continue to work"

After a little bit of experimenting, it doesn't matter if you hosting or joining a server. Looks like the error 400 appears when the problem is either you can't vote on your own map, or the level probably no longer exists on database. Need better error message. Fixed by kaen


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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:25 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs


When posting bugs, please also state your platform (e.g. Windows, OSX 32bit)



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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:22 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

On windows xp, in the instructions, only the core is animated and nothing else (like bullets, teleporter etc) Fixed by watusimoto
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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:01 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

sam686 wrote:Probably need to change that to have up to 2 buttons per command. It is for "Scroll up" "Scroll down" for mouse having a scroll spinning wheel, useful to easily change weapons.

Yeah! That'd probably make a little more sense, and could actually be really useful. I like using a key to alternate between weapons while on trackpad, but when I bring out the mouse I often use the scroll wheel.

Here is what I'm seeing when I open up the editor instructions page.


The other pages are fine.

I am on Mac OS X 10.6.8 running the 32 bit universal. edit: The issue is pursuant in the 64 bit package as well.

@Fordcars I saw that too, but I wonder if that was intentional? I agree that animated looks way better.
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Post Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:04 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Fordcars wrote:On windows xp, in the instructions, only the core is animated and nothing else (like bullets, teleporter etc)
Just to take note, the problem with stuff not animating in instruction appears to only happen while not in a server, or not hosting. They are animated if you join a server and go to instruction. Probably a small bug.


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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:25 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

can confirm sky lark. running mavericks here
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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:30 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Attempt to download
/dlmap kaen_Foiled

!!! Error connecting to server
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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:06 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

tazinator wrote:Attempt to download
/dlmap kaen_Foiled

!!! Error connecting to server

Sometimes the server goes down or can't be reached. When that happens, try again.
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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:06 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Some people have trouble double tap boost, and I found out why.

If you hit ESC immediately when joining a ping timed out server (or the game quickly says it can't punch through firewall/server no longer exist), and then join/host anything without quitting client, it will then be much harder to double tap turbo, and your commander map starts to zoom out/in twice as fast.I think this was fixed? Will verify with sam686/raptor

If your commander zooms twice as fast, then expect much harder to double tap boost.

Restart Bitfighter client to fix really hard to double tap turbo and fix commander map zoom really fast.


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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:18 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Alrighty, thanks Sam!


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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:38 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

FordCars items 1 & 3 from original list are now fixed.


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Post Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:15 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Thanks :)
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Post Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:44 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

1. There is a problem with in-game map upload (in "Play different level") not uploading levelgen if the "Script" don't end in ".levelgen". It is fixed on newest commit/changes, but while you are on older released 019, you need your script (in editor menu or .level file) to end with ".levelgen" or else it may fail to upload levelgen through "Play different level". This problem is fixed, and my server will now stop level uploads with levels needing levelgen but is missing.Sounds fixed? --Wat

2. Mostly found by YoshiSmb, there is a problem with sensor not detecting any cloaked ship unless holding down a "Place spybug" module button, this makes sensor module not very useful. Not yet fixed...Appears to work now... for sensor to sense cloaked ships you need to be fairly close -- Wat

3. LineItem/TextItem should only be visible to your own team, neutral visible to every team. But, you may see every team's line item and text item for:
- respawning (might see for only 0.1 seconds, longer using /lag 200)
- using /idle or seeing "Press any key to respawn"
Not yet fixed...
Cannot reproduce. Appears fixed. --Wat

4. Some levels crash servers/hosting game while loading level due to bot zone generating problem, now fixed, and some servers with that fix (level "bittown v2" had a bot zone crash too) stays up good.I think this was fixed by raptor's geometry work --Wat

Mac-only unreadable editor instruction screen appears fix
/showpaths fixed
/showbots fixed

Those fixes are in newest commits/changes that will come out on next release.


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Post Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:52 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

regards item three, now i can set lines to two setting. global makes visible to all teams. is that what ypu mean? i thought that was feature
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Post Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:58 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

2. We broke sensor!?

3. LineItem/TextItem have a 'Global' option now that is on by default in 019 editor. I thought I made it so older maps don't load with it on, though. What exactly is the issue? Does this only happen when respawning, etc.?


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Post Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:02 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Has anyone else on Mac had trouble rotating groups of items? Like, I'll select a bunch of small walls or teleporters etc and press "R" to rotate them, but they just vanish instead. Their coordinates shown on the green lower left panel say "non,non." However, I've been unable to find any consistency in reproducing the bug... sometimes it'll happen and sometimes it won't. Fixed by raptor

Only thing I can say for sure is that it's frequent, the bug occurs like 50% of the time and I just have to rotate each item individually, which seems to work okay. Sorry for not being super helpful... maybe I can post a video.
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Post Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:27 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

https://code.google.com/p/bitfighter/is ... ail?id=328

they're still in the file

At coordinate NaN :evil:
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Post Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:30 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

raptor wrote:3. LineItem/TextItem have a 'Global' option now that is on by default in 019 editor.
But not TextItem. TextItem default to non-global. The editor don't even have Global visibility option for TextItem.

Hard to say what happens. Maybe its easier to just look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R9ODkuEDXIAppears fixed --Wat


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Post Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:44 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Glad to see it's acknowledged. Thanks, taz.
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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:55 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

When the "remote server has terminated" message appears, only esc will close the message. I don't know if that's intentional or not. In the previous iteration return worked as well, maybe even any key, can't quite remember. In any case, when it popped up for me I thought my game had frozen, especially since there were no instructions included in the error pop-up that suggested how to close it... Fixed by raptor

Very minor but worth mentioning I think.
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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:48 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Thanks sky_lark, we'll take a look. Do you think ENTER or SPACE should exit those, too?

Everything minor is worth mentioning. :)


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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:03 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

I think so, or maybe any key?
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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:54 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Honestly, it wasn't so much the keys that dismissed the message, it was a lack of instructions. When the master server terminates you, it gives a nice little instruction to press esc to quit. That would be absolutely fine here.
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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:02 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Fixed! I made other red, no-chance-of-playing screens have the "press ESC" message.


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Post Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:33 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

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Post Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:11 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:08 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

OSX users - what is the command for resizing objects in your bitfighter editor?

I've gotten a report that it is Ctrl+Alt+X, but that is not what is coded - it should still be the old Ctrl+Shift+X


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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:27 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Apparently I was on crack

It seems to be working as intended.

Idk what I'm smoking
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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:38 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs



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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:31 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

64bit build, v10.6.8, ctrl-shift-x works as intended while ctrl-alt-x doesn't work.
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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:46 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

watusimoto wrote:Crack?
That must be it.
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Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:24 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Double tap boost is behaving very strangely:

- On multiple occasions, double tapping boost will trigger its effect but instead show a full bar of energy on the energy bar. During these instances, the energy bar falsely showed the amount of energy my ship actually had. I can reproduce this bug if I just use the "super boost" a bunch of times; it occurs maybe 1 in 4 times?

- Just a few minutes ago I played a session alone where I could not trigger it at all. Like, I would double tap spacebar, but nothing would happen. Well, the energy would diminish slightly, and my ship would sputter forward, as to be expected from a couple of short boosts. But the special double tap "super boost" would not occur. I tried on multiple servers to no avail. A restart fixed the issue. I've never experienced this before, and I don't think I can reproduce it... strange.

Mac OS X 10.6.8 - 64bit build

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Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:49 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

sky_lark wrote:Just a few minutes ago I played a session alone where I could not trigger it at all. A restart fixed the issue.

Did your commander map zoom twice as fast while you have double tap boost problem?

Mostly me and little_apple found that double tap problem before, said it in above posts. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=2155#p21676

sky_lark wrote:On multiple occasions, double tapping boost will trigger its effect but instead show a full bar of energy on the energy bar.

Whats your FPS? I see that I run into this problem if FPS is more then 120. Try /maxfps 100 instead of 1000, as 1000 appears to have a small bug on energy level.

One other problem was energy bar becomes messed up when lagging, mostly the client have incorrect energy level then what server have.


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Post Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:39 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Unfortunately I don't recall using commander's map while I experienced that issue, so I can't help you there, but that sounds like it was the same issue.

I've set my maxfps to 100 now and will report back if the issue persists.
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Post Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:36 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

1. Playing in windowed mode at 1280x1024 causes the ingame UI to be messed up ingame.
Here's the screenshot so you can see.

2. In the level editor, click-dragging a PolyWall, then pressing a rotation key (for example, R) will knock the object's visual off center. The shape outline (the yellow line with the points) is the true location of the polygon. (have to be still dragging when you type R)

(Win7 64bit)


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Post Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:55 am

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

Not sure if this constitutes a bug, but here it is:

I have a lot of levels with spaces in their filename. Spaces aren't directly supported in the level selection menu so I have to type the first word, then press tab to get the rest of the word entered. However, when doing that it shows the level name with quotation marks. Obviously, if I enter return there it'll show a different map than what I originally had.

For example:
- Map's file name is Cookie Monster
- I can't type Cookie Monster in the level selection menu because spaces aren't supported, I assume due to a technical reason
- So I type Cookie, then hit tab to get the full name
- Instead, what comes up is "Cookie Monster" which, due to the quotation marks, is a different map than Cookie Monster.

It's not a huge deal - I just delete the quotes and load the level. But, I was wondering if it counted as a bug because of such odd behavior.

[[Not a bug, but probably fixed in 019a]]
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Post Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:15 pm

Re: Bitfighter 019 bugs

minor bug

when doing /add on another server and not being a admin it will say

red text : time extended by X minutes AND then
vote started waiting for others to vote.

it may or may not laso say in red

: Must be a admin to use this.

windows 7 os bitfighter 19 portable.
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