@Amgine I think that was a bug in a previous version fixed in the current version. Setting time to 0 used to cause it to last forever, now it seems to always end the game immediately. I like your suggestions though -- you should make a new thread for the "-1 for infinity" and "minutes vs seconds" parameters.
@Raptor: 2 editor bugs, both shown in this image.

The first regards laserbeams, which appear to interact strangely with a dotted wall. A dotted wall is just a barrier with both endpoints on top of each other. If I give this barrier a width of 1 it results in a slightly visible dot that should still stop beams, players etc. I'm sure you know this.
In the image above, only vertical and diagonal lasers seem to stop at the dotted barrier, while the horizontal laser continues through. In-game, all three lasers actually do stop at the dotted barrier, it's just the editor that suggests otherwise. This occurs consistently with other positions -- horizontal lasers from left or right appear to go through, vertical lasers from up or down as well as diagonal lasers from any direction do not appear to go through.
The second bug concerns turrets. When I place a neutral turret, it appears like the one on the left: full health, colored white. However when I exit and reenter the editor it appears like the turret on the right: no health, still colored white. Interestingly, team turrets are in opposite. Team turrets appear empty at first, then after exiting the editor they appear full. I'm not sure which graphic is intended.