Coding Club
Homework for this week:
Try swapping out the level code in Project1.levelgen for your own level code. See if you can use code that will make something appear inside the box! If you're having trouble, open up Project1 in the level editor, add an item that isn't already there (like a speed zone or a teleporter), and save the file. Then open Project1.level in a text editor and copy the line that starts with whatever you added (FlagItem, GoalZone, Teleporter, TextItem, SpeedZone, etc).
Try using a different variable name. Don't forget that it has to be the same in the "local" line and the "if()" line! Also, try changing the math.random() value to something other than 2. See how different numbers change what happens.
If you do something cool, you're welcome to post it here, in the Map Gallery, or to send me a PM. We can check the levels and levelgens out when we meet again, if you want to. After that, we'll move right on to Project2, and maybe even glance at Project3.