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BTB - Anthill - Dr. Spacebar



Posts: 69

Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:34 pm

Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:28 am

BTB - Anthill - Dr. Spacebar

Team Bitmatch. Used GoalZones to simulate dirt. Ants spawn in the anthill, Termites spawn on the side of the anthill. Protect the nest!

GameType 8.000 10
LevelName Anthill
LevelDescription Termites attack, and ants fight back!
LevelCredits DrSpacebar
GridSize 255
MinPlayers 0
MaxPlayers 0
Team Ants 0.400001 0.2 0
Team Termites 1 0.9 0.51
BarrierMaker 50 -12 2.1  7.4 2.1
BarrierMaker 100 -4.2 -1.9  2.4 -1.9
BarrierMaker 50 -3.5 -3.4  -2.3 -2.5  1.5 -2.5  0.5 -4.4  -0.3 -5.4  -1.6 -5  -3.5 -3.4
BarrierMaker 100 -5.4 0.5  2.7 0.5  2.1 -0.5  -4.2 -0.4
BarrierMaker 50 -0.5 -6  -1.3 -5.9  -1.9 -5.5  -3.5 -3.6  -5.2 0.1  -6 2  4 2  3 -1  1 -5  -0.1 -6
BarrierMaker 50 3.7 1.1  -4.9 1.1
BarrierMaker 1 -7 2  -3.1 -6.1  -0.1 -6.4  0.2 -6.3  1.7 -4.8  4 2.1
PolyWall -1 1.7  -0.9 1.7  -0.9 1.8  -1 1.8
GoalZone 0 -4.2 -2.1  2.4 -2.1  2.4 -1.7  -4.2 -1.7
LoadoutZone 0 -1.1 1.6  -0.8 1.6  -0.8 1.9  -1.1 1.9
GoalZone 0 -3.6 -3.7  -2 -5.6  -1.4 -6  -0.5 -6.1  -0.5 -5.9  -1.4 -5.7  -1.8 -5.4  -3.2 -3.8  -1.7 -5.1  -0.3 -5.6  0.6 -4.5  1.7 -2.5  1.6 -2.4  -2.4 -2.4  -3.5 -3.2  -5.8 1.9  3.8 1.9  2.9 -0.9  0.9 -4.9  -0.2 -5.9  0 -6.1  1.1 -5.1  3.1 -1  4.2 2.1  -6.2 2.1
GoalZone 0 -4.9 1  3.7 1  3.7 1.2  -4.9 1.2
GoalZone 0 -5.4 0.3  2.3 0.3  2 -0.3  -4.2 -0.2  -4.2 -0.6  2.2 -0.7  3 0.5  2.8 0.6  2.8 0.7  -5.5 0.7
LoadoutZone 1 -4.3 -3  -4.1 -2.8  -4.3 -2.6  -4.5 -2.8
LineItem -1 2 3.3 1.9  3.4 1.8  3.5 1.8
LineItem -1 2 3.7 1.5  3.6 1.5  3.5 1.6
LineItem -1 2 3.5 1.9  3.5 1.8  3.6 1.7  3.7 1.7  3.8 1.8
LineItem -1 2 3.2 1.9  3.2 1.8  3.3 1.7  3.4 1.7  3.5 1.8
LineItem -1 2 3.3 1.7  3.4 1.6  3.5 1.6  3.6 1.7
Teleporter -3.5 -2.1  -3.5 -0.9
Teleporter -3.5 -1.7  -3.5 -2.9
TextItem 0 0.3 1.7  3 1.7  61 PROTECT THE NEST!
TextItem 1 -4.1 -3  -3.6 -4  69 ATTACK!
RepairItem 2 -3.5  20
RepairItem 2 0  20
Spawn 1 -4.5 -2.5
Spawn 0 1.6 1.6
RepairItem -6.3 1.7  20
You know those YouTube videos that make you instantly hit Pause, close your browser, and vow never to go on to YouTube again?


Posts: 1567

Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:52 pm

Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:17 am

Re: BTB - Anthill - Dr. Spacebar

You do some interesting concept stuff. I never would have thought of this.


Posts: 1036

Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:56 pm

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:00 pm

Re: BTB - Anthill - Dr. Spacebar

I like the relation to real life. It does feel kind of awkward attacking in only one direction, and appriciate all the extra "passing space" i can get during the time though. However, it doesn't seem to signifigantly affect gameplay elements, and makes for a good map.

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