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CTF - Double Debris - sam686

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:06 am
by sam686
CTFGameType 8.000 8
LevelName Double Debris
LevelCredits sam686
GridSize 100
MinPlayers 0
MaxPlayers 0
Specials Engineer
Team Purple 0.4 0 1
Team Orange 1 0.6 0
PolyWall 1.2 2  0.6 2.5  0.8 3
PolyWall -6.8 -0  -8.4 -2.8  -7.8 -4.5  -9.1 -2.8
PolyWall -4.4 4.4  -3.4 4  -5 3.9
PolyWall -3.7 -9.3  -7.1 -8.6  -9.4 -10  -7.6 -8.4  -8.5 -7.1
PolyWall 4.9 -1.2  4.7 -1.2  5 -0.4
PolyWall 9.5 1.1  9.8 1.6  10.4 1.5
PolyWall 9.7 -6.9  10.1 -6.2  9.8 -7.3
PolyWall 1.6 -2.6  1.7 -2  1.5 -1.8
PolyWall 9.4 6.5  9.8 7.1  10.1 6.9
PolyWall 3 -7  2.7 -5  3.6 -7.4
PolyWall 9.1 -9.4  9.1 -8.7  9.8 -10.1
PolyWall 4.4 -4.4  3.4 -4  5 -3.9
PolyWall -11 11  -11 1.4  -5 2.7  -3.2 2.8  -2.1 -3.7  -3.6 2  -5 2  -11 -0  -11 -11  -7.8 -11  -7.1 -10  -6.4 -11  1 -11  2.2 -9.5  2.7 -11  12 -11  12 -12  -12 -12  -12 12
PolyWall -0.3 -4  -0.4 -3.7  -0.3 -3.4
PolyWall -7.6 7.6  -8.2 7.3  -7.9 7.8
PolyWall -0.6 3.6  -1.5 4.8  -0.6 2.7
PolyWall -9.9 3  -10.2 2.6  -10.1 3
PolyWall 7.4 -4.7  8.9 -3  8.1 -5.1  9.1 -6.2  7.6 -5.3  4.9 -5.9
PolyWall -6.2 -4.9  -6 -4.3  -5.8 -5.2
PolyWall -4.9 1.2  -4.7 1.2  -5 0.4
PolyWall 3.7 9.3  7.1 8.6  9.4 10  7.6 8.4  8.5 7.1
PolyWall -9.5 -1.1  -9.8 -1.6  -10.4 -1.5
PolyWall 9.9 -3  10.2 -2.6  10.1 -3
PolyWall -4.4 -1.2  -3.8 -5.6  1.1 -8.2  -3.9 -6.2  -8.1 -6.1  -4.7 -5.6
PolyWall -9.4 -6.5  -9.8 -7.1  -10.1 -6.9
PolyWall 0.3 4  0.4 3.7  0.3 3.4
PolyWall 6.6 1.9  5.8 1.1  6.2 1.8
PolyWall 0.8 4.9  1 4.6  0.5 4.9
PolyWall 0.6 -3.6  1.5 -4.8  0.6 -2.7
PolyWall -9.7 6.9  -10.1 6.2  -9.8 7.3
PolyWall 0.1 0.2  0.7 -2  -0.1 -0.1  -0.7 2
PolyWall 1.5 -7.2  1.3 -7.4  0.9 -5.9
PolyWall -2.8 -8.4  -3.6 -8.4  -4.1 -7.7
PolyWall -9.1 9.4  -9.1 8.7  -9.8 10.1
PolyWall -7.4 4.7  -8.9 3  -8.1 5.1  -9.1 6.2  -7.6 5.3  -4.9 5.9
PolyWall 6.8 0  8.4 2.8  7.8 4.5  9.1 2.8
PolyWall -1.6 2.6  -1.7 2  -1.5 1.8
PolyWall -1.2 -2  -0.6 -2.5  -0.8 -3
PolyWall 11 -11  11 -1.4  5 -2.7  3.2 -2.8  2.1 3.7  3.6 -2  5 -2  11 0  11 11  7.8 11  7.1 10  6.4 11  -1 11  -2.2 9.5  -2.7 11  -12 11  -12 12  12 12  12 -12
PolyWall -0.8 -4.9  -1 -4.6  -0.5 -4.9
PolyWall 2.8 8.4  3.6 8.4  4.1 7.7
PolyWall -1.5 7.2  -1.3 7.4  -0.9 5.9
PolyWall 7.6 -7.6  8.2 -7.3  7.9 -7.8
PolyWall -3 7  -2.7 5  -3.6 7.4
PolyWall 4.4 1.2  3.8 5.6  -1.1 8.2  3.9 6.2  8.1 6.1  4.7 5.6
PolyWall -6.6 -1.9  -5.8 -1.1  -6.2 -1.8
PolyWall -4.1 9  -4.5 7.7  -4.6 8.8  -7.6 9.5
PolyWall 4.1 -9  4.5 -7.7  4.6 -8.8  7.6 -9.5
PolyWall 6.2 4.9  6 4.3  5.8 5.2
FlagItem 1 8.5 8.5
FlagItem 0 -8.5 -8.5
LoadoutZone 0 -11 -11  -11 -10.5  -7.45 -10.5  -7.8 -11
LoadoutZone 1 7.45 10.5  7.8 11  11 11  11 10.5
GoalZone 0 -8.9 -8.7  -8.9 -8.3  -8.1 -8.3  -8.1 -8.7
GoalZone 1 8.1 8.3  8.1 8.7  8.9 8.7  8.9 8.3
SpeedZone 1 2  2 -1  2000 SnapEnabled
SpeedZone -1 -2  -2 1  2000 SnapEnabled
Asteroid -1.5 0.5
Asteroid 1.5 -0.5
SpyBug 1 5 5.5
SpyBug 0 -5 -5.5
Mine 2 -6
Mine -2 6
ResourceItem -10 8
ResourceItem 10 -8
TestItem -1.5 -5.5
TestItem 1.5 5.5
Spawn 0 -6 -10
Spawn 0 -4 -10
Spawn 1 6 10
Spawn 0 -1 -10
Spawn 1 2 8
Spawn 1 7 3
Spawn 1 6 3
Spawn 1 10 3
Spawn 0 -10 -9
Spawn 0 10 -4
Spawn 0 -6 -3
Spawn 1 -10 4
Spawn 1 10 9
Spawn 1 10 5
Spawn 0 -2 -8
Spawn 1 1 10
Spawn 1 -4 10
Spawn 1 4 10
Spawn 0 -10 -5
Spawn 1 6 7
Spawn 0 -7 -3
Spawn 0 -6 -7
Spawn 0 -10 -3
BotNavMeshZone 3.9 6.2  8.1 6.1  8.5 7.1  6 8.2  4.1 7.7
BotNavMeshZone 4.1 7.7  6 8.2  3.7 9.3  3.6 8.4
BotNavMeshZone 3.9 6.2  4.1 7.7  2.8 8.4  2 7
BotNavMeshZone 1.1 -8.2  -2 -7  -2.8 -8.4
BotNavMeshZone 5 -3.9  4.4 -4.4  4.9 -5.9  7.4 -4.7
BotNavMeshZone 3.6 -7.4  3 -7  1.5 -7.2  1.3 -7.4  1.1 -8.2
BotNavMeshZone 2.7 -5  0.9 -5.9  1.5 -7.2  3 -7
BotNavMeshZone 0.9 -5.9  -0.5 -4.9  -0.8 -4.9  -3.8 -5.6  1.1 -8.2  1.3 -7.4
BotNavMeshZone -1 -4.6  -2.1 -3.7  -3.8 -5.6  -0.8 -4.9
BotNavMeshZone -0.4 -3.7  -2.1 -3.7  -1 -4.6  -0.3 -4
BotNavMeshZone -0.3 -3.4  -0.8 -3  -2.1 -3.7  -0.34 -3.7
BotNavMeshZone -1.2 -2  -2.4 -1.9  -2.1 -3.7  -0.8 -3
BotNavMeshZone -2.9 -0.7  -4.4 -1.2  -3.8 -5.6  -2.1 -3.7
BotNavMeshZone -0.1 -0.2  -1.2 -2  -0.6 -2.5  0.6 -2.7  0.7 -2
BotNavMeshZone 0.6 -2.7  -0.6 -2.5  -0.8 -3  -0.3 -3.4  0.6 -3.6
BotNavMeshZone 1.5 -1.8  0.7 -2  0.6 -2.7  1.6 -2.6
BotNavMeshZone -0.1 -0.2  -1.5 1.8  -1.7 2  -2.9 1.1  -2.4 -1.9  -1.2 -2
BotNavMeshZone 3.2 -2.8  2.9 -1.1  1.7 -2  1.6 -2.6
BotNavMeshZone -0.7 2  -1.5 1.8  -0.1 -0.2
BotNavMeshZone 3.2 -2.8  1.6 -2.6  0.6 -2.7  1.5 -4.8  2.7 -5  3.4 -4
BotNavMeshZone 1.5 -4.8  -0.5 -4.9  0.9 -5.9  2.7 -5
BotNavMeshZone 0.6 -3.6  -0.3 -3.4  -0.3 -4  1.5 -4.8
BotNavMeshZone 1.5 -4.8  -0.3 -4  -1 -4.6  -0.5 -4.9
BotNavMeshZone 4.4 -4.4  3.4 -4  2.7 -5  3.6 -7.4  4.9 -5.9
BotNavMeshZone 7.6 -7.6  8.2 -7.3  7.6 -5.3  4.9 -5.9  3.6 -7.4  4.5 -7.7
BotNavMeshZone 9.1 -6.2  7.6 -5.3  8.2 -7.3  9.8 -7.3  9.7 -6.9
BotNavMeshZone 10.1 -6.2  9.1 -6.2  9.7 -6.9
BotNavMeshZone 8.1 -5.1  9.1 -6.2  10.1 -6.2  11 -6  11 -3.2  10.1 -3  9.9 -3  8.9 -3
BotNavMeshZone 10.2 -2.6  10.1 -3  11 -3.2  11 -1.4
BotNavMeshZone 8.9 -3  9.9 -3  10.2 -2.6  11 -1.4  7.3 -2.2
BotNavMeshZone 7.3 -2.2  5 -2.7  5 -3.9  7.4 -4.7  8.9 -3
BotNavMeshZone 5 -2.7  3.2 -2.8  3.4 -4  5 -3.9
BotNavMeshZone -5 3.9  -4.4 4.4  -4.9 5.9  -7.4 4.7
BotNavMeshZone -5 2.7  -3.2 2.8  -3.4 4  -5 3.9
BotNavMeshZone -7.3 2.2  -5 2.7  -5 3.9  -7.4 4.7  -8.9 3
BotNavMeshZone -8.9 3  -9.9 3  -10.2 2.6  -11 1.4  -7.3 2.2
BotNavMeshZone -10.2 2.6  -10.1 3  -11 3.2  -11 1.4
BotNavMeshZone -8.1 5.1  -9.1 6.2  -10.1 6.2  -11 6  -11 3.2  -10.1 3  -9.9 3  -8.9 3
BotNavMeshZone -10.1 6.2  -9.1 6.2  -9.7 6.9
BotNavMeshZone -6.8 0  -8.4 -2.8  -6.6 -1.9  -5.8 -1.1
BotNavMeshZone -2.9 -0.7  -5 0.4  -6.8 0  -5.8 -1.1  -4.4 -1.2
BotNavMeshZone -3.6 2  -4.7 1.2  -5 0.4  -2.9 -0.7
BotNavMeshZone -3.6 2  -5 2  -4.9 1.2  -4.7 1.2
BotNavMeshZone -4.9 1.2  -5 2  -6.8 0  -5 0.4
BotNavMeshZone -5 2  -11 0  -9.5 -1.1  -6.8 0
BotNavMeshZone -6.8 0  -9.5 -1.1  -9.8 -1.6  -9.1 -2.8
BotNavMeshZone -11 0  -11 -1.5  -10.4 -1.5  -9.5 -1.1
BotNavMeshZone -9.8 -1.6  -10.4 -1.5  -11 -1.5  -11 -3  -9.1 -2.8
BotNavMeshZone -7.8 -4.5  -11 -5  -9.4 -6.5  -8.1 -6.1
BotNavMeshZone -9.1 -2.8  -11 -3  -11 -5  -7.8 -4.5
BotNavMeshZone -11 -6.9  -10.1 -6.9  -9.4 -6.5  -11 -5
BotNavMeshZone -9.8 -7.1  -10.1 -6.9  -11 -6.9  -11 -11
BotNavMeshZone -7.6 -8.4  -8.5 -7.1  -9.8 -7.1  -11 -11  -9.4 -10
BotNavMeshZone -9.4 -10  -11 -11  -7.8 -11
BotNavMeshZone -6.2 -1.8  -6.6 -1.9  -8.4 -2.8  -7.8 -4.5
BotNavMeshZone -6 -3  -6.2 -1.8  -7.8 -4.5  -6.2 -4.9  -6 -4.3
BotNavMeshZone -4.4 -1.2  -5.8 -1.1  -6.2 -1.8  -6 -3
BotNavMeshZone -4.4 -1.2  -6 -3  -6 -4.3  -5.8 -5.2  -4.7 -5
BotNavMeshZone -5.8 -5.2  -8.1 -6.1  -4.7 -5.6  -4.7 -5
BotNavMeshZone -5.8 -5.2  -6.2 -4.9  -7.8 -4.5  -8.1 -6.1
BotNavMeshZone -8.1 -6.1  -9.4 -6.5  -9.8 -7.1  -8.5 -7.1
BotNavMeshZone -3.9 -6.2  -8.1 -6.1  -8.5 -7.1  -6 -8.2  -4.1 -7.7
BotNavMeshZone -7.1 -8.6  -9.4 -10  -7.8 -11  -7.1 -10
BotNavMeshZone -3.7 -9.3  -7.1 -8.6  -7.1 -10  -6.4 -11
BotNavMeshZone -4.1 -7.7  -6 -8.2  -3.7 -9.3  -3.6 -8.4
BotNavMeshZone 2.2 -9.5  -3.7 -9.3  -6.4 -11  1 -11
BotNavMeshZone -3.9 -6.2  -4.1 -7.7  -2.8 -8.4  -2 -7
BotNavMeshZone -2.8 -8.4  -3.6 -8.4  -3.7 -9.3
BotNavMeshZone 1.1 -8.2  -2.8 -8.4  -3.7 -9.3  2.2 -9.5
BotNavMeshZone 4.1 -9  2.2 -9.5  2.7 -11  7.5 -11  7.6 -9.5
BotNavMeshZone 9.8 -10.1  9.1 -9.4  7.6 -9.5  7.5 -11
BotNavMeshZone 9.8 -10.1  7.5 -11  11 -11
BotNavMeshZone 11 -7.5  9.1 -8.7  9.8 -10.1  11 -11
BotNavMeshZone 9.8 -7.3  8.2 -7.3  7.9 -7.8  9.1 -8.7  11 -7.5
BotNavMeshZone 11 -6  10.1 -6.2  9.8 -7.3  11 -7.5
BotNavMeshZone 9.1 -8.7  7.9 -7.8  7.6 -9.5  9.1 -9.4
BotNavMeshZone 7.9 -7.8  7.6 -7.6  4.5 -7.7  4.6 -8.8  7.6 -9.5
BotNavMeshZone 4.5 -7.7  3.6 -7.4  1.1 -8.2  2.2 -9.5  4.1 -9
BotNavMeshZone 9.4 10  11 11  7.8 11
BotNavMeshZone 7.6 8.4  8.5 7.1  9.8 7.1  11 11  9.4 10
BotNavMeshZone 9.8 7.1  10.1 6.9  11 6.9  11 11
BotNavMeshZone 11 6.9  10.1 6.9  9.4 6.5  11 5
BotNavMeshZone 9.1 2.8  11 3  11 5  7.8 4.5
BotNavMeshZone 7.8 4.5  11 5  9.4 6.5  8.1 6.1
BotNavMeshZone 9.8 1.6  10.4 1.5  11 1.5  11 3  9.1 2.8
BotNavMeshZone 11 0  11 1.5  10.4 1.5  9.5 1.1
BotNavMeshZone 6.8 0  9.5 1.1  9.8 1.6  9.1 2.8
BotNavMeshZone 5 -2  11 0  9.5 1.1  6.8 0
BotNavMeshZone 4.9 -1.2  5 -2  6.8 0  5 -0.4
BotNavMeshZone 3.6 -2  5 -2  4.9 -1.2  4.7 -1.2
BotNavMeshZone 3.6 -2  4.7 -1.2  5 -0.4  2.9 0.7
BotNavMeshZone 2.9 0.7  5 -0.4  6.8 0  5.8 1.1  4.4 1.2
BotNavMeshZone 6.8 0  8.4 2.8  6.6 1.9  5.8 1.1
BotNavMeshZone 6.2 1.8  6.6 1.9  8.4 2.8  7.8 4.5
BotNavMeshZone 6 3  6.2 1.8  7.8 4.5  6.2 4.9  6 4.3
BotNavMeshZone 4.4 1.2  5.8 1.1  6.2 1.8  6 3
BotNavMeshZone 4.4 1.2  6 3  6 4.3  5.8 5.2  4.7 5
BotNavMeshZone 5.8 5.2  8.1 6.1  4.7 5.6  4.7 5
BotNavMeshZone 5.8 5.2  6.2 4.9  7.8 4.5  8.1 6.1
BotNavMeshZone 8.1 6.1  9.4 6.5  9.8 7.1  8.5 7.1
BotNavMeshZone 7.1 8.6  9.4 10  7.8 11  7.1 10
BotNavMeshZone 3.7 9.3  7.1 8.6  7.1 10  6.4 11
BotNavMeshZone -2.2 9.5  3.7 9.3  6.4 11  -1 11
BotNavMeshZone 2.8 8.4  3.6 8.4  3.7 9.3
BotNavMeshZone -1.1 8.2  2.8 8.4  3.7 9.3  -2.2 9.5
BotNavMeshZone -4.1 9  -2.2 9.5  -2.7 11  -7.5 11  -7.6 9.5
BotNavMeshZone -9.8 10.1  -9.1 9.4  -7.6 9.5  -7.5 11
BotNavMeshZone -9.8 10.1  -7.5 11  -11 11
BotNavMeshZone -11 7.5  -9.1 8.7  -9.8 10.1  -11 11
BotNavMeshZone -9.8 7.3  -8.2 7.3  -7.9 7.8  -9.1 8.7  -11 7.5
BotNavMeshZone -11 6  -10.1 6.2  -9.8 7.3  -11 7.5
BotNavMeshZone -9.1 8.7  -7.9 7.8  -7.6 9.5  -9.1 9.4
BotNavMeshZone -7.9 7.8  -7.6 7.6  -4.5 7.7  -4.6 8.8  -7.6 9.5
BotNavMeshZone -4.5 7.7  -3.6 7.4  -1.1 8.2  -2.2 9.5  -4.1 9
BotNavMeshZone -3.6 7.4  -3 7  -1.5 7.2  -1.3 7.4  -1.1 8.2
BotNavMeshZone -2.7 5  -0.9 5.9  -1.5 7.2  -3 7
BotNavMeshZone -0.9 5.9  0.5 4.9  0.8 4.9  3.8 5.6  -1.1 8.2  -1.3 7.4
BotNavMeshZone 1 4.6  2.1 3.7  3.8 5.6  0.8 4.9
BotNavMeshZone 0.4 3.7  2.1 3.7  1 4.6  0.3 4
BotNavMeshZone 0.3 3.4  0.8 3  2.1 3.7  0.4 3.7
BotNavMeshZone 1.2 2  2.4 1.9  2.1 3.7  0.8 3
BotNavMeshZone 2.9 0.7  4.4 1.2  3.8 5.6  2.1 3.7
BotNavMeshZone 0.1 0.2  1.2 2  0.6 2.5  -0.6 2.7  -0.7 2
BotNavMeshZone -0.6 2.7  0.6 2.5  0.8 3  0.3 3.4  -0.6 3.6
BotNavMeshZone -1.5 1.8  -0.7 2  -0.6 2.7  -1.6 2.6
BotNavMeshZone 0.1 0.2  1.5 -1.8  1.7 -2  2.9 -1.1  2.4 1.9  1.2 2
BotNavMeshZone -3.2 2.8  -2.9 1.1  -1.7 2  -1.6 2.6
BotNavMeshZone 0.7 -2  1.5 -1.8  0.1 0.2
BotNavMeshZone -3.2 2.8  -1.6 2.6  -0.6 2.7  -1.5 4.8  -2.7 5  -3.4 4
BotNavMeshZone -1.5 4.8  0.5 4.9  -0.9 5.9  -2.7 5
BotNavMeshZone -0.6 3.6  0.3 3.4  0.3 4  -1.5 4.8
BotNavMeshZone -1.5 4.8  0.3 4  1 4.6  0.5 4.9
BotNavMeshZone -4.4 4.4  -3.4 4  -2.7 5  -3.6 7.4  -4.9 5.9
BotNavMeshZone -7.6 7.6  -8.2 7.3  -7.6 5.3  -4.9 5.9  -3.6 7.4  -4.5 7.7
BotNavMeshZone -9.1 6.2  -7.6 5.3  -8.2 7.3  -9.8 7.3  -9.7 6.9
BotNavMeshZone -1.1 8.2  2 7  2.8 8.4

Re: CTF - Double Debris - sam686

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:18 pm
by ZoombeR
i like it, but its pretty much the same thing as triple point stars, only with different team colors and a slightly bigger map.