Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:20 pm
Redid the map, and cleaned it up a lot. It is not much nicer looking, but it makes a difference.
The middle has remained completely unchanged, it has a slipzone around the nexus which functions fine - that part has worked and remains the centerpiece of the map.
Removed testitem, speedzones, after commentary from someone (I think Quartz) that the map needed polishing up but he liked the slip zone.
- Bitfighter logo made bigger
- Made neutral loadoutzones blue after commentary from sam
- removed laser that did not belong in the map
- removed asteroids, they were annoying
Middle has remained unchanged. To see original see one of the two TeamNexus on sam's server
The middle has remained completely unchanged, it has a slipzone around the nexus which functions fine - that part has worked and remains the centerpiece of the map.
Removed testitem, speedzones, after commentary from someone (I think Quartz) that the map needed polishing up but he liked the slip zone.
- Bitfighter logo made bigger
- Made neutral loadoutzones blue after commentary from sam
- removed laser that did not belong in the map
- removed asteroids, they were annoying
Middle has remained unchanged. To see original see one of the two TeamNexus on sam's server
- Code:
- NexusGameType 10 0.75 15 4800
LevelName Slippy
LevelDescription "Two teams, one nexus. Who will win?"
LevelCredits "By Tazinator"
GridSize 255
Team Blue 0 0 1
Team Red 1 0 0
Specials Engineer
MaxPlayers 40
BarrierMaker 50 1.176471 -2.156863 1.372549 -2.54902 1.176471 -2.941176 0.588235 -3.137255 -0.588235 -3.137255 -1.176471 -2.941176 -1.372549 -2.54902 -1.176471 -2.156863
BarrierMaker 50 1.176471 2.156863 1.372549 2.54902 1.176471 2.941176 0.588235 3.137255 -0.588235 3.137255 -1.176471 2.941176 -1.372549 2.54902 -1.176471 2.156863
BarrierMaker 30 0.90076 0.049998 0.899729 0.093052 0.89664 0.136007 0.8915 0.178765 0.884321 0.221229 0.875118 0.2633 0.863913 0.304883 0.850732 0.345883 0.835604 0.386204 0.818565 0.425756 0.799653 0.464448 0.778913 0.502191 0.75639 0.538898 0.732137 0.574485 0.70621 0.608872 0.678667 0.64198 0.649572 0.673731 0.618991 0.704055 0.586995 0.732881 0.553656 0.760143 0.519052 0.785779 0.48326 0.80973 0.446364 0.831942 0.408448 0.852364 0.369598 0.870948 0.329903 0.887652 0.289455 0.902439 0.248346 0.915273 0.20667 0.926127 0.164522 0.934974 0.122 0.941795 0.0792 0.946573 0.03622 0.949299 -0.006841 0.949966 -0.049884 0.948572 -0.092812 0.945121 -0.135525 0.93962 -0.177927 0.932082 -0.219919 0.922524 -0.261406 0.910968 -0.302292 0.897441 -0.342485 0.881974 -0.381891 0.864601 -0.420422 0.845364 -0.457988 0.824305 -0.494504 0.801473 -0.529886 0.77692 -0.564052 0.750703 -0.596926 0.722882 -0.62843 0.69352 -0.658494 0.662684 -0.687049 0.630446 -0.714029 0.596878 -0.739372 0.562058 -0.76302 0.526066 -0.78492 0.488983 -0.80502 0.450896 -0.823276 0.41189 -0.839644 0.372056 -0.854089 0.331485 -0.866575 0.290269 -0.877076 0.248502 -0.885567 0.206282
BarrierMaker 30 -0.90076 -0.049998 -0.899729 -0.093052 -0.89664 -0.136007 -0.8915 -0.178765 -0.884321 -0.221229 -0.875118 -0.2633 -0.863913 -0.304883 -0.850732 -0.345883 -0.835604 -0.386204 -0.818565 -0.425756 -0.799653 -0.464448 -0.778913 -0.502191 -0.75639 -0.538898 -0.732137 -0.574485 -0.70621 -0.608872 -0.678667 -0.64198 -0.649572 -0.673731 -0.618991 -0.704055 -0.586995 -0.732881 -0.553656 -0.760143 -0.519052 -0.785779 -0.48326 -0.80973 -0.446364 -0.831942 -0.408448 -0.852364 -0.369598 -0.870948 -0.329903 -0.887652 -0.289455 -0.902439 -0.248346 -0.915273 -0.20667 -0.926127 -0.164522 -0.934974 -0.122 -0.941795 -0.0792 -0.946573 -0.03622 -0.949299 0.006841 -0.949966 0.049884 -0.948572 0.092812 -0.945121 0.135525 -0.93962 0.177927 -0.932082 0.219919 -0.922524 0.261406 -0.910968 0.302292 -0.897441 0.342485 -0.881974 0.381891 -0.864601 0.420422 -0.845364 0.457988 -0.824305 0.494504 -0.801473 0.529886 -0.77692 0.564052 -0.750703 0.596926 -0.722882 0.62843 -0.69352 0.658494 -0.662684 0.687049 -0.630446 0.714029 -0.596878 0.739372 -0.562058 0.76302 -0.526066 0.78492 -0.488983 0.80502 -0.450896 0.823276 -0.41189 0.839644 -0.372056 0.854089 -0.331485 0.866576 -0.290269 0.877076 -0.248502 0.885567 -0.206282
BarrierMaker 35 2.4 0 2.387686 0.242804 2.350872 0.483116 2.289934 0.718472 2.205499 0.946454 2.098432 1.164725 1.969832 1.371044 1.82102 1.563294 1.653521 1.739503 1.469054 1.897862 1.269514 2.036746 1.056946 2.154731 0.833533 2.250605 0.601566 2.323385 0.363427 2.372324 0.121558 2.39692 -0.121558 2.39692 -0.363427 2.372324 -0.601566 2.323385 -0.833533 2.250605 -1.056946 2.154731 -1.269514 2.036746 -1.469054 1.897862 -1.653521 1.739503 -1.82102 1.563294 -1.969832 1.371044 -2.098432 1.164725 -2.205499 0.946454 -2.289934 0.718472 -2.350872 0.483116 -2.387686 0.242804 -2.4 0 -2.387686 -0.242804 -2.350872 -0.483116 -2.289934 -0.718472 -2.205499 -0.946454 -2.098432 -1.164725 -1.969832 -1.371044 -1.82102 -1.563294 -1.653521 -1.739503 -1.469054 -1.897862 -1.269514 -2.036746 -1.056946 -2.154731 -0.833533 -2.250605 -0.601566 -2.323385 -0.363427 -2.372324 -0.121558 -2.39692 0.121558 -2.39692 0.363427 -2.372324 0.601566 -2.323385 0.833533 -2.250605 1.056946 -2.154731 1.269514 -2.036746 1.469054 -1.897862 1.653521 -1.739503 1.82102 -1.563294 1.969832 -1.371044 2.098432 -1.164725 2.205499 -0.946454 2.289934 -0.718472 2.350872 -0.483116 2.387686 -0.242804 2.4 0
SlipZone 0.1 -0.667322 0.568929 -0.769404 0.396059 -0.819686 0.235518 -0.827898 0.194682 -0.362306 0.150072 -0.277297 0.28514 -0.150072 0.370149 -0 0.4 0.150072 0.370149 0.277297 0.28514 0.362306 0.157915 0.392157 0 0.362306 -0.150072 0.827898 -0.194682 0.841953 0.048588 0.817961 0.249322 0.78102 0.372074 0.684345 0.548 0.54871 0.696039 0.381808 0.807741 0.1932 0.87669 -0.006349 0.898969 -0.20549 0.873322 -0.392918 0.801188 -0.55782 0.686757
NexusZone 0.392157 0 0.362306 0.150072 0.277297 0.277297 0.150072 0.362306 0 0.392157 -0.150072 0.362306 -0.277297 0.277297 -0.362306 0.150072 -0.392157 0 -0.362306 -0.150072 -0.277297 -0.277297 -0.150072 -0.362306 -0 -0.392157 0.150072 -0.362306 0.277297 -0.277297 0.362306 -0.150072
LoadoutZone 0 -0.959565 -0.051404 -0.943235 0.217878 -0.827898 0.194682 -0.841953 -0.048588
SlipZone 0.1 0.667322 -0.561086 0.769404 -0.388216 0.827898 -0.194682 0.362306 -0.150072 0.277297 -0.277297 0.150072 -0.362306 0 -0.392157 -0.150072 -0.362306 -0.277297 -0.277297 -0.362306 -0.150072 -0.4 0 -0.362306 0.150072 -0.827898 0.194682 -0.841953 -0.048588 -0.833271 -0.170306 -0.78102 -0.364231 -0.684345 -0.540157 -0.54871 -0.688196 -0.381808 -0.799898 -0.1932 -0.868847 0.006349 -0.891126 0.20549 -0.865478 0.392918 -0.793345 0.55782 -0.678914
LoadoutZone 0 0.959565 0.051404 0.943235 -0.217878 0.827898 -0.194682 0.841953 0.048588
LoadoutZone 1 1.106941 2.861008 1.262937 2.549016 1.094588 2.212326 0.373871 2.440239 0.509804 2.862745 0.572318 3.039216
LoadoutZone 1 -1.106941 -2.861008 -1.262937 -2.549016 -1.094588 -2.212326 -0.373871 -2.440239 -0.572318 -3.039216
LineItem -1 2 1.137255 1.254902 1.058824 1.254902 1.098039 1.176471 1.058824 1.176471 0.980392 1.254902 0.980392 1.294118 1.058824 1.254902 1.019608 1.333333 1.098039 1.176471
LineItem -1 2 1.019608 1.372549 1.019608 1.254902 1.019608 1.294118 1.098039 1.372549 1.098039 1.215686
LineItem -1 2 -1.411765 1.529412 -1.098039 1.372549 -0.980392 1.294118 -1.490196 1.019608 -1.411765 1.529412
LineItem -1 2 -1.333333 1.411765 -1.254902 1.45098 -1.215686 1.529412 -1.294118 1.568627 -1.333333 1.490196 -1.333333 1.411765 -1.215686 1.529412 -1.294118 1.568627
LineItem -1 2 -1.333333 1.411765 -1.333333 1.490196 -1.333333 1.529412 -1.294118 1.568627 -1.294118 1.490196
LineItem -1 2 1.45098 0.862745 0.941177 1.019608 1.176471 1.254902 1.294118 1.372549 1.45098 0.862745
LineItem -1 2 -1.058824 1.333333 -1.058824 1.411765 -1.058824 1.45098 -1.058824 1.490196 -1.058824 1.411765 -1.098039 1.372549 -1.137255 1.372549 -1.098039 1.490196
Teleporter 0 -2.941176 0 -0.627451
Teleporter 0 2.941176 0 0.627451
TextItem -1 -1 -1.5 1 -1.5 117.919 Bitfighter
ResourceItem 0.196078 -1.960784
RepairItem 1.1 -1.7 20
Spawn 0 -1.960784 0
Spawn 1 -0.784314 2.745098
ResourceItem 0 -2.156863
ResourceItem -0.196078 -1.960784
TestItem 0 -0.039216
Spawn 1 0.784314 -2.745098
Spawn 0 1.960784 0.196078