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NEX - Flashing Lights - IA - Exprimental hunters game


invader alex

Posts: 23

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:44 pm

Post Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:50 pm

NEX - Flashing Lights - IA - Exprimental hunters game

So yeah this a weird one again. Its a fun map, where luck is sometimes better than strategy. Basicly don't get knock out of the ring. I though it would make players use a unique playing style, where bursts and mines are more used. Also sorry for the crappy editing again, I just want really show the concept more than anything else.
HuntersGameType 7 1 30 5000
LevelName Flashing Lights
LevelDescription don't get knock out of the ring
LevelCredits IA
GridSize 255
MinPlayers 0
MaxPlayers 0
Team Blue 0 0 1
BarrierMaker 100 -2.2 2.8  2.2 2.8  2.2 -2.8  -2.2 -2.8  -2.2 2.8
BarrierMaker 970 0 2.5  0 -2.5
BarrierMaker 100 1.30392 2.1  1.30392 1.7
BarrierMaker 100 -1.3 2.1  -1.3 1.7
BarrierMaker 100 -1.3 -2  -1.3 -1.6
BarrierMaker 100 1.3 -2.1  1.3 -1.7
BarrierMaker 50 0.00196075 1.7  0.00196075 0.7  1.00196 0.7  1.00196 0.0999994
BarrierMaker 50 1.19209e-007 -1.9  1.19209e-007 -0.900001  -1 -0.900001  -1 -0.3
BarrierMaker 50 -1.4 1.3  -1.4 0.8  -0.7 0.8  -1.4 0.8  -1.4 0.3
BarrierMaker 50 1.4 -1.3  1.4 -0.8  0.7 -0.8  1.4 -0.8  1.4 -0.3
GoalZone -1 -1.49608 1.7  -1.1 1.7  -1.1 2.1  -1.49608 2.1
GoalZone -1 -1.49804 0.3  -1.30196 0.3  -1.29804 0.7  -0.698039 0.711961  -0.698039 0.9  -1.29804 0.899999  -1.3 1.3  -1.49804 1.3
GoalZone -1 0.901961 0.6  0.901961 0.0999997  1.10196 0.0999997  1.09 0.79804  0.1 0.79804  0.1 1.7  -0.0980391 1.7  -0.0980391 0.6
HuntersNexusObject -0.2 -0.3  0.2 -0.3  0.2 0.2  -0.2 0.2
GoalZone -1 1.10392 1.7  1.5 1.7  1.5 2.1  1.10392 2.1
GoalZone -1 -0.9 -0.8  -0.9 -0.3  -1.1 -0.3  -1.08804 -0.99804  -0.098039 -0.99804  -0.098039 -1.9  0.1 -1.9  0.1 -0.8
GoalZone -1 -1.5 -1.6  -1.10392 -1.6  -1.10392 -2  -1.5 -2
GoalZone -1 1.5 -0.3  1.30392 -0.3  1.3 -0.7  0.7 -0.711961  0.7 -0.900001  1.3 -0.9  1.30196 -1.3  1.5 -1.3
GoalZone -1 1.1 -1.7  1.49608 -1.7  1.49608 -2.1  1.1 -2.1
GoalZone -1 -2.4 3.1  -2.00392 3.1  -2 3.3  -2.4 3.3
GoalZone -1 -1.9 3.1  -1.50392 3.1  -1.5 3.3  -1.9 3.3
GoalZone -1 -1.4 3.1  -1.00392 3.1  -1 3.3  -1.4 3.3
GoalZone -1 -0.9 3.1  -0.503921 3.1  -0.5 3.3  -0.9 3.3
GoalZone -1 -0.4 3.1  -0.3 3.1  -0.3 3.3  -0.4 3.3
GoalZone -1 -0.2 3.1  0.196078 3.1  0.2 3.3  -0.2 3.3
GoalZone -1 0.3 3.1  0.4 3.1  0.4 3.3  0.3 3.3
GoalZone -1 1.5 3.1  1.89608 3.1  1.9 3.3  1.5 3.3
GoalZone -1 1 3.1  1.39608 3.1  1.4 3.3  1 3.3
GoalZone -1 0.5 3.1  0.896079 3.1  0.9 3.3  0.5 3.3
GoalZone -1 2 3.1  2.39608 3.1  2.4 3.3  2 3.3
GoalZone -1 0.5 -3.3  0.896079 -3.3  0.9 -3.1  0.5 -3.1
GoalZone -1 1 -3.3  1.39608 -3.3  1.4 -3.1  1 -3.1
GoalZone -1 1.5 -3.3  1.89608 -3.3  1.9 -3.1  1.5 -3.1
GoalZone -1 0.3 -3.3  0.4 -3.3  0.4 -3.1  0.3 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -0.2 -3.3  0.196078 -3.3  0.2 -3.1  -0.2 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -0.4 -3.3  -0.3 -3.3  -0.3 -3.1  -0.4 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -0.9 -3.3  -0.503921 -3.3  -0.5 -3.1  -0.9 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -1.4 -3.3  -1.00392 -3.3  -1 -3.1  -1.4 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -1.9 -3.3  -1.50392 -3.3  -1.5 -3.1  -1.9 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -2.4 -3.3  -2.00392 -3.3  -2 -3.1  -2.4 -3.1
GoalZone -1 2 -3.3  2.39608 -3.3  2.4 -3.1  2 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -2.7 3.1  -2.5 3.1  -2.5 3.3  -2.7 3.3
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -3.3  -2.5 -3.3  -2.5 -3.1  -2.7 -3.1
GoalZone -1 -2.7 2.6  -2.5 2.6  -2.5 3  -2.7 3
GoalZone -1 -2.7 2.1  -2.5 2.1  -2.5 2.5  -2.7 2.5
GoalZone -1 -2.7 1.6  -2.5 1.6  -2.5 2  -2.7 2
GoalZone -1 -2.7 1.1  -2.5 1.1  -2.5 1.5  -2.7 1.5
GoalZone -1 -2.7 0.6  -2.5 0.6  -2.5 1  -2.7 1
GoalZone -1 -2.7 0.3  -2.5 0.3  -2.5 0.5  -2.7 0.5
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -0.5  -2.5 -0.5  -2.5 -0.3  -2.7 -0.3
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -0.2  -2.5 -0.2  -2.5 0.2  -2.7 0.2
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -1  -2.5 -1  -2.5 -0.6  -2.7 -0.6
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -1.5  -2.5 -1.5  -2.5 -1.1  -2.7 -1.1
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -2  -2.5 -2  -2.5 -1.6  -2.7 -1.6
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -2.5  -2.5 -2.5  -2.5 -2.1  -2.7 -2.1
GoalZone -1 -2.7 -3  -2.5 -3  -2.5 -2.6  -2.7 -2.6
GoalZone -1 2.5 -2.5  2.7 -2.5  2.7 -2.1  2.5 -2.1
GoalZone -1 2.5 -2  2.7 -2  2.7 -1.6  2.5 -1.6
GoalZone -1 2.5 -1.5  2.7 -1.5  2.7 -1.1  2.5 -1.1
GoalZone -1 2.5 -1  2.7 -1  2.7 -0.6  2.5 -0.6
GoalZone -1 2.5 -0.2  2.7 -0.2  2.7 0.2  2.5 0.2
GoalZone -1 2.5 -0.5  2.7 -0.5  2.7 -0.3  2.5 -0.3
GoalZone -1 2.5 0.3  2.7 0.3  2.7 0.5  2.5 0.5
GoalZone -1 2.5 0.6  2.7 0.6  2.7 1  2.5 1
GoalZone -1 2.5 1.1  2.7 1.1  2.7 1.5  2.5 1.5
GoalZone -1 2.5 1.6  2.7 1.6  2.7 2  2.5 2
GoalZone -1 2.5 2.1  2.7 2.1  2.7 2.5  2.5 2.5
GoalZone -1 2.5 2.6  2.7 2.6  2.7 3  2.5 3
GoalZone -1 2.5 -3.3  2.7 -3.3  2.7 -3.1  2.5 -3.1
GoalZone -1 2.5 3.1  2.7 3.1  2.7 3.3  2.5 3.3
GoalZone -1 2.5 -3  2.7 -3  2.7 -2.6  2.5 -2.6
Spawn 0 1 -1.9
AsteroidSpawn 1.4 0.1  60
TestItem 0 -2.2
Spawn 0 -1 1.9
Spawn 0 1.3 -1.6
Spawn 0 1.3 1.6
Spawn 0 -1.3 -1.5
Spawn 0 -1 -1.8
Spawn 0 1 1.9
TestItem 0 2.2
Spawn 0 -1.3 1.6
SpeedZone -0.3 -0.0999994  -0.3 0.7  2000
SpeedZone 0.3 0  0.3 -0.799999  2000
AsteroidSpawn -1.4 -0.0999994  60

If you like the idea, you can do what you want with it I really don't care.


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Posts: 150

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:44 pm

Post Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:02 am

Re: NEX - Flashing Lights - IA - Exprimental hunters game

Very cool.
Qui ckRime


Posts: 1567

Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:52 pm

Post Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:59 pm

Re: NEX - Flashing Lights - IA - Exprimental hunters game

Yeah...this is pretty cool. Nicely done. The syrup trap around the edge could be maddening!

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