edited stock bitmatch level
need to change the name now that i saw bobdaducks beater level
first version of the map. It's just an edited version of the stock bitmatch map.
Next version
Uses Levelgen
archive of first version
need to change the name now that i saw bobdaducks beater level
first version of the map. It's just an edited version of the stock bitmatch map.
Next version
- Code:
- RabbitGameType 8 99 30 12
LevelName Beater!
LevelDescription "Sort of Gladiators"
LevelCredits "Stock Bitmatch, Edited by T.A.Z."
GridSize 255
Team Blue 0 0 1
Script AsteroidCore.levelgen
BarrierMaker 50 3.5 0 3 0
BarrierMaker 50 -4.5 0 -4.5 -0.5 -3.5 -1.5 -3 -1.5 -1.5 -3 -1.5 -3.5 -0.5 -4.5 0.5 -4.5 1.5 -3.5 1.5 -3 3 -1.5 3.5 -1.5 4.5 -0.5 4.5 0.5 3.5 1.5 3 1.5 1.5 3 1.5 3.5 0.5 4.5 -0.5 4.5 -1.5 3.5 -1.5 3 -3 1.5 -3.5 1.5 -4.5 0.5 -4.5 -0.5
BarrierMaker 50 0 3.5 0 3
BarrierMaker 50 0 -3.5 0 -3
PolyWall -0.778161 -2.221835 -1.221835 -1.778161 0 -1 1.222702 -1.777294 0.778161 -2.221835 0 -1.443674
BarrierMaker 50 -0.5 3 0.5 3
BarrierMaker 50 -3.5 0 -3 0
BarrierMaker 50 3 -0.5 3 0.5
BarrierMaker 50 -0.5 -3 0.5 -3
PolyWall -2.220074 -0.778133 -1.7764 -1.221807 -1 0 -1.775533 1.222728 -2.220074 0.778188 -1.441914 0.000028
PolyWall -0.778161 2.221835 -1.221835 1.778161 0 1 1.222702 1.777294 0.778161 2.221835 0 1.443674
BarrierMaker 50 -3 -0.5 -3 0.5
PolyWall 2.221835 -0.778161 1.778161 -1.221835 1 0 1.777294 1.222701 2.221835 0.77816 1.443675 0
SlipZone 0.1 1.777294 -1.222702 -1.222702 1.777294 0.554592 0 -1.222702 -1.777294 1.777294 1.222702 1.222702 1.777294 0 0.554592 -1.222702 1.777294 -1.777294 1.222702 1.222702 -1.777294 -0.554592 0 1.222702 1.777294 -1.777294 -1.222702 -1.222702 -1.777294 0 -0.554592 1.222702 -1.777294
Spawn 0 -1.9 0.1
Spawn 0 -2 2
FlagItem -1 0 0
RepairItem 0 4 45
RepairItem 0 -4 45
RepairItem 4 0 45
RepairItem -4 0 45
Spawn 0 0 -1.2
Spawn 0 1.2 0
Spawn 0 0 1.2
Spawn 0 -1.2 0
Spawn 0 -2 -2
Spawn 0 2 -2
Spawn 0 2 2
Uses Levelgen
- Code:
- tau = math.pi * 2
--copy this block of code if you want multiple swingy-chain items, modifying the center and truecenter values accordingly.
beater1 = {}
beater1["type"] = SoccerBallItem --capitalization is important here.
beater1["center"] =, 0) --Just set this to be the same as the "trueCenter" below.
beater1["trueCenter"] =, 0) --the center of the chain
beater1["length"] = 4 --how many to make + 1. (so this will do 4)
beater1["objects"] = {} --ignore this
beater1["orbitTime"] = 2500 --2500 milliseconds to make a rotation (2 and a half seconds)
beater1["x"] = 0 --these two x and y variables are added to the ["center"] variable above each time it makes an item.
beater1["y"] = 70 --a resourceItem is about this big.
beater1["orbitDirection"] = -1 -- positive for counter clockwise, negative for clockwise
--If you make multiple, they won't show up unless you add them to the beaterArray below.
beaterArray = {beater1} --if you want more, put them within the {} seperated by commas. {beater1, beater2}
origin =
function doBeaters(deltaTime)
for index, value in ipairs(beaterArray)
for dex, val in ipairs(value["objects"])
local t = getMachineTime() % (value["orbitTime"]) / value["orbitTime"]
local center = value["trueCenter"]
local radius = point.distanceTo(val["loc"], center)
local pos = center + + 1/5) * tau * value["orbitDirection"]), math.cos((t + 1/5) * tau * value["orbitDirection"])) * radius
local unitVec = point.normalize(center - pos)
val["item"]:setVel(["orbitDirection"] * -unitVec.y, value["orbitDirection"] * unitVec.x) * tau * radius / (value["orbitTime"] / 1000))
function onTick(deltaTime)
function main()
for index, value in ipairs(beaterArray)
for i = 1, value["length"]
item = {}
item["loc"] = value["center"]
item["item"] = value["type"].new()
table.insert(value["objects"], item)
value["center"] =["center"].x + value["x"], value["center"].y + value["y"])
beater11["orbitDirectionction"] = beater11["orbitDirection"] * -1
end, 360000)
archive of first version
- Code:
- RabbitGameType 8 50 30 12
LevelName let it slip
LevelDescription Rabbit
LevelCredits "Stock Bitmatch, Edited by T.A.Z."
GridSize 255
Team Blue 0 0 1
BarrierMaker 50 0 3.5 0 3
BarrierMaker 50 3 -0.5 3 0.5
BarrierMaker 50 -0.5 3 0.5 3
BarrierMaker 50 0 -3.5 0 -3
BarrierMaker 50 -3 -0.5 -3 0.5
BarrierMaker 50 -3.5 0 -3 0
BarrierMaker 50 -4.5 0 -4.5 -0.5 -3.5 -1.5 -3 -1.5 -1.5 -3 -1.5 -3.5 -0.5 -4.5 0.5 -4.5 1.5 -3.5 1.5 -3 3 -1.5 3.5 -1.5 4.5 -0.5 4.5 0.5 3.5 1.5 3 1.5 1.5 3 1.5 3.5 0.5 4.5 -0.5 4.5 -1.5 3.5 -1.5 3 -3 1.5 -3.5 1.5 -4.5 0.5 -4.5 -0.5
BarrierMaker 50 -0.5 -3 0.5 -3
BarrierMaker 50 3.5 0 3 0
BarrierMaker 160 -1 -2 0 -1 1 -2
BarrierMaker 160 2 -1 1 0 2 1
BarrierMaker 160 -1 2 0 1 1 2
BarrierMaker 160 -2 1 -1 0 -2 -1
SlipZone 0.1 1.777294 -1.222702 -1.222702 1.777294 0.554592 0 -1.222702 -1.777294 1.777294 1.222702 1.222702 1.777294 0 0.554592 -1.222702 1.777294 -1.777294 1.222702 1.222702 -1.777294 -0.554592 0 1.222702 1.777294 -1.777294 -1.222702 -1.222702 -1.777294 0 -0.554592 1.222702 -1.777294
RepairItem 0 4 45
RepairItem 0 -4 45
RepairItem 4 0 45
RepairItem -4 0 45
Spawn 0 0 -1
Spawn 0 1 0
Spawn 0 0 1
Spawn 0 -1 0
Spawn 0 -2 -2
Spawn 0 2 -2
Spawn 0 2 2
Spawn 0 -2 2
FlagItem -1 0 0
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun