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Radar posts, and some module/items

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Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:28 am

Radar posts, and some module/items

Updated post here
radar posts. can be both fixed and rotate, similar to speed zones. Their range can be selected, also like speedzones. They are repairable. It's basically a sattellite dish on the map. It becomes not just a war with guns, but an information one as well:)

Ties in with sensor and cloaks.

Game modules
- Cloaks hide ship health if they don't already, fix star bug. Not tracked by seeker
- Sensors can track enemy radar (Sensor allows a player to see just where it is that enemy radar is tracking)

New Item
- Stealthy (Lasts 10 seconds). rabbit exclusive, hides you from the normal map (Or commanders map, whichever is better)

OP below
I would like listening posts in this game. Act the same as sensor, but repairable and, obviously, disable able!
For big maps these would be useful, And sometimes a map maker wants players to see what's going on :)
Last edited by tazinator on Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:21 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:40 am

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

You mean... like a spybug? (a small plantable sensor that you place... somehow... perhaps by pressing the activation key when you have the sensor module?)

Sorry -- it's been a long morning, and we keep changing how this works. Look at the help to be sure.


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Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:41 am

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

No problem. it's already free. should get your rest, I've been kind of spamming the forums anyhow

But yes. Listening posts, basically spy bugs. Im not sure I thought it out that great, sorry.that was my bad :oops:
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Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:01 pm

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

Listening posts sound pretty cool, even if their function basically already exists. What about enhancing spybugs to add a little notification sound when an enemy player crosses a bug threshold?
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Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:26 pm

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

ick, sounds good but no, that would not work. Perhaps a minimap/radar screen or some kind of notification system is in order for 020.. or beyond;)

Why? Well, that's the purpose of car alarms. It doesn't work. XD
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:52 pm

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

Well, my reasoning is that without some kind of notification, using spybugs to track enemy movements is kind of a hit and a miss. You either have to drench the map in spybugs to enjoy complete monitoring, or just keep the map open for minutes at a time and just wait for enemies to cross through.

I'm not opposed to other forms of notifiers... visual or otherwise. But you suggested listening posts, so a kind of sound update - maybe a static hum, or a short beep - is one interesting way to implement a notification.

Not sure what point you're trying to make with car alarms - I ignore alarms from cars that aren't mine, yes, but if I hear my car's alarm go off then you can be damn sure I'll check on it. Who wouldn't?
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:39 pm

Re: Sensor/listening Posts

OK, I've evolved the concept a bit more. See top post
This is basically a radar.
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:06 pm

Re: Radar posts, and some module/items

If Flares in the commanders map get implemented to make things show up in the map, then I think that spy bugs should also make little alerts when someone enters the range of the bug. That would be cool!
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:38 pm

Re: Radar posts, and some module/items

Maybe, just maybe, a mini map is in order :)
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Post Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:45 am

Re: Radar posts, and some module/items

Not thrilled about radar posts (they seem a tad complicated without adding much benefit over spybugs - though you could argue for a spybug upgrade), but I do like the idea of a radar-esque minimap.

It'd be neat to tie in spybug data into a little radar screen in your top right corner. You could have it really vague... just show blips when enemies were nearby, and maybe stylize enemies with your flag differently. I'd think a feature this cool would incentivize players to use sensor!
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Post Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:16 pm

Re: Radar posts, and some module/items

Want to bump this again. Spybugs aren't very helpful unless you constantly have commander's map open. I think a "listening post" is very cool, but I could see how there might be problems if the user is listening to music. So, I propose a little visual icon. Any ideas on what that might look like?
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Post Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:51 pm

Re: Radar posts, and some module/items

Perhaps a exclamation mark?

or a audio sound as well?
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