watusimoto wrote:Elimination games are challenging because 1) what do you do with players who have been eliminated; and 2) players who are eliminated will wander off to find some other game because they can't keep playing; and 3) what happens when a new player joins?; and 4) what's to keep a player who has been eliminated from quitting and rejoining?
1. Well, I think the only reasonable thing to do would be to develop a spectator mode for Bitfighter, and when a player dies, they are moved to spectator, and at the end of the round they are brought back in.
However, the spectator mode would need to differentiate between players who have been killed and players who opted to spectate.
2. Have you ever played Counter-Strike? The standard game modes do not have respawning enabled, and after being killed you may spectate but not participate. It can be boring, but it's also insanely fun, trying to get better and better so that you live longer.
The thing is though, CS is a competitive game.
That's the appeal for a survival-type game mode. All of our game modes can be played by a casual audience, and I think it'd be fun to have a game mode that catered to a competitive audience.
The elimination/survival/last ship in space mode would not be for everyone, but I think that's okay.
It might be fun to allow level-makers to define the number of lives players have. This might increase the desire to say, knowing that if you die once you're not out.
3. Assuming a spectator mode is developed, new players would simply spectate until a new round has begun, at which point they can join in.
4. Follow the rule implemented in #3. Anybody who joins a game that is in progress must spectate until a new round begins.
I understand your concern that a mode of this kind might exclude some players, but how is that any different than another game mode that somebody doesn't like? I don't particularly care for Nexus, for example.