Scrap Quick Chat
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I think for any sort of competitive play quickchat would be a necessity. For casual play not so much. Since pretty much all current activity is casual, it makes quickchat seem not super useful. But since it doesn't get in the way, I see no good reason to remove quickchat. It's simply another way to communicate.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
well no one uses it and it takes up memory and realisicly you can type faster then navigate the complicated menus.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
Actually, once you learn the menus, or customize them to suit your needs, quick chat would porbably be one of the fastest ways to do commands/chats.
As an example, this old game was built to show just that:
As an example, this old game was built to show just that:
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
but many new or young plaerys wouldnt understand how to change the INI.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
So they can learn! It's actually pretty straightforward, just involves taking ten minutes to look at the template in the ini. Maybe you can write a wiki entry to better help players understand it?
My thoughts on quick chat are that if something ain't broke, don't fix it. There's nothing inherently wrong with keeping quick chat in, it's just something that you can use if it helps you. Personally I haven't found much use beyond the occasional Go go go! or Help! but I suspect with the advent of competitive play that will change.
My thoughts on quick chat are that if something ain't broke, don't fix it. There's nothing inherently wrong with keeping quick chat in, it's just something that you can use if it helps you. Personally I haven't found much use beyond the occasional Go go go! or Help! but I suspect with the advent of competitive play that will change.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
but one liitle typo breaks the Quickchat......
what about a internal way to change it?
what about a internal way to change it?
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
I agree that an in-game framework for modifying quick chat would be ideal at some point in the future.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
but is it feasible seems like it owuld be rather hard to do.....
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
Personally I don't much like quickchat, but every time I've proposed removing it, people have talked me into keeping it.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
lets create a poll to get a generel concencus.
It just takes up space and isnt used I think it should go.
It just takes up space and isnt used I think it should go.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
No way, I can personally attest to the usage of quick chat. When it's 2v3 and I have the flag and am getting nipped by enemy players, I don't have the time nor ability to stop and type out a cry for help. Rather, I press like three keys on my keyboard while moving and firing to radio "Help!" in the team chat. That feature alone is huge.
I haven't utilized much of the other quick chat commands, other than "Attack!" and the occasional "Repair here!" but I think that's because we as a community haven't quite grown to the idea of the seriously competitive gameplay. That's okay, we're just not quite big enough yet. But like Little Apple has been discussing we'll eventually get to a point where we can host competitive tournaments and clans and maybe revive the ABFL (!) and when that time comes quick chat will be 100% useful. It's just not used much now because it's a competitive feature in a casual audience. I vote keep it, if you don't want to use it then just don't press the keys.
I haven't utilized much of the other quick chat commands, other than "Attack!" and the occasional "Repair here!" but I think that's because we as a community haven't quite grown to the idea of the seriously competitive gameplay. That's okay, we're just not quite big enough yet. But like Little Apple has been discussing we'll eventually get to a point where we can host competitive tournaments and clans and maybe revive the ABFL (!) and when that time comes quick chat will be 100% useful. It's just not used much now because it's a competitive feature in a casual audience. I vote keep it, if you don't want to use it then just don't press the keys.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
Quick chat is staying.
If there is utility for multiple players, there's no reason to remove it and it isn't hurting anything.
If there is utility for multiple players, there's no reason to remove it and it isn't hurting anything.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
Not entirely true... it is occupying a joystick button that could be repurposed (though I have no proposals for that).
But overall, I agree... it is staying.
But overall, I agree... it is staying.
Re: Scrap Quick Chat
Ah, I forgot the joystick binding part... so it's either quick chat or secondary fire key?
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