Gametype/mode idea: Arcade Mode
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 pm
Ok, so there's a mode where you go up nonstop, but could move left and right. Asteroids come randomly down, and you can shoot them. You get just plain old bullets, but can collect a Triple powerup that let's you have triple shots for, say 30 seconds, and bursters can be fired (they could also be picked up) which instanly destory the asteroids within its explosion radius. Also you have 4 health bars on your ship which can be replenished by picking up. Also a multiplayer mode where you can have 2-4 ships in one game working together either cooperativley, at cumulative score, or competitvley where each person battles for the highest single score. And there could also be a timed mode, highest score in 1 min. 30 sec. Or Survival, where you compete for the longest time alive before dying. (Extreme variant: No health pickups!) Dunno. Sounds fun.