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remote acivated wepons?

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Post Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:34 pm

remote acivated wepons?

HI this is amgine with a (maybe new idea XD)

so i was wondering what if the burst and mine weopons be be remotely acivated for example you would click to shoot then click again to acivate the burst (normaly you have to wait for it to explode) to make it explode

With mines you would press a specific key to acivate the corrpsonging mine (I was thinking 1-9 on the num pad maybe) eploding that mine or you could press 0 and blow them all up ( though i dont think that would work cause people would keep accidently pressing it) also the mines would be numbered only to the users eye so you could remeber which is which.

the only quetion i have is would these be new wepons or jsut the old ones modified.

anyways what do you guys think?

Cheers Amgine
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Post Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:22 pm

Re: remote acivated wepons?

It would be rather difficult to pull off.

I don't think it would have any sort of positive impact on gameplay.
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Post Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:20 am

Re: remote acivated wepons?

Sounds like a hassle to me. Unless you can come up with a considerable advantage this could provide, I don't see any practicality in this proposed feature.
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Post Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:52 pm

Re: remote acivated wepons?

BlackBird wrote:Sounds like a hassle to me. Unless you can come up with a considerable advantage this could provide, I don't see any practicality in this proposed feature.

well it would make the game more challanging as more skill you be requred to survive the wepons would gain offesive value as well

think about this you oculd place mines around your base as defesive wepons to guard your base if a oppent comes along you oculd triiger it killing him/ her so they would have to take the tiome to blast it or take teh risk of the oppent not activating it.

bobdaduck wrote:It would be rather difficult to pull off.

I don't think it would have any sort of positive impact on gameplay.

as for bursts more skill would have to be required in order to dodge it and use the wepon as well i dont know how you cant see how this would make the game worse it would make teh game more challangeing to play.

as for the diffuclty oif doing it it wouldnt be that hard to program surly easier then most of the other suggested ideas like a night mode.
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Post Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:16 pm

Re: remote acivated wepons?

Remote Mines? Can be useful to avoid exploding remote mines when your team crosses it. Problems is, it will be very difficult to know when to set it off when you are not looking at it or too far away.


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Post Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:26 am

Re: remote acivated wepons?

amgine wrote:
BlackBird wrote:Sounds like a hassle to me. Unless you can come up with a considerable advantage this could provide, I don't see any practicality in this proposed feature.

well it would make the game more challanging as more skill you be requred to survive the wepons would gain offesive value as well

think about this you oculd place mines around your base as defesive wepons to guard your base if a oppent comes along you oculd triiger it killing him/ her so they would have to take the tiome to blast it or take teh risk of the oppent not activating it.

If you have ever been to a Big Bitfighter Battle, imagine using this proposed weapon in that kind of environment. There is litterally no time for strategic tactics. Your main basis for which this idea is based on, is that a player can remotely activate a mine when an enemy gets near it. Don't mines do that already?

Regarding remotely activated burst weapon, could you please explain how this can provide any remote advantage?
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Post Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:15 am

Re: remote acivated wepons?

The Remote Mines doesn't make sense.

However, the Remote Burst I could see being kind of useful. It would depend on the specs. If the Burst no longer detonated by itself, and just hung there until you either shot another one or detonated it, you could use them to block a corridor, and even push them around the map.
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Post Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:37 pm

Re: remote acivated wepons?



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Post Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:01 pm

Re: remote acivated wepons?

Too op in comparison to normal mines, unless the mines are used for the exits of teleports. :D
Maybe if we criticize it enough, it will be promoted? ;)

(It's OP!) Plus, I prefer the weapon more than the module engineer because it doesn't require resources and it's faster to set up. It will definitely change the game play and more adjustments will be needed, which is frown upon.

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