enabling bots to make server commands
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sooo..... could someone code it in? what I'm asking for is like the global msg command that already exists but instead of a chat message it would send a command to the server. this would be helpful for admin bots that can forever stay on a server keeping watch.
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
This is a great idea! I'm going to create a bot that has the following function:
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
Oh, it's there. You just have to find the secret zone.
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
searching for the secret zone and not finding it can you give us a hint?
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
Keep looking.
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
Wait wait wait.. is this "secret zone" in every map or only some maps?
Also, does a specific bot have to be in the game in order for the "secret zone" to be activated?
Lets start us some Bitfighter Lore.
Also, does a specific bot have to be in the game in order for the "secret zone" to be activated?
Lets start us some Bitfighter Lore.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Re: enabling bots to make server commands
I believe he is referring to the neutral zone which is located in between the Klingon and federation territories.
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