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Level Sync

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Post Thu May 22, 2014 9:42 am

Level Sync

Can we add an option to sync our levels from the level folder with pleiades, So if we delete a level, and we try to play it, the system will simply download it again?

(Add a new tab on the menu, so we can search the levels on Pleiades, even we can Explore our level folder on BF (here we can upload them to pleiades if we wanted, (any level we created, can be uploaded on the editor or in the level browser) there we can download any levels, if we edit a level we own on pleiades, it will automaticaly update that map with the new one we created (ask: "do you want to update the map?"), if a map on pleiades we downloaded it's updated or change, the game will automaticaly updated that level (with an option we can set if we want to update it or not, but we can update it manualy))

:zapdance: :zapdance: :zapdance:
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Post Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:22 pm

Re: Level Sync

That's a good idea there has been many times (and still happening.) Where I lose a level then have to hunt for it again and again and again.....

Or make all saved levels auto go to Pleiades.....
Bitfighter Forever.

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