Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
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When pressing t or g (or whatever you have it set to), the previous chat will be shown. (like in minecraft)
Re: Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
Press Ctrl+M
But, the Up arrow should really get the last message you sent (like command line)
But, the Up arrow should really get the last message you sent (like command line)
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
Re: Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
I agree with Lamp. Look for it in 020.
Re: Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
Has been implemented ( I think) there was a issue for it on GITHUB.
Anyways yeah being able to see the previous chat messages would be nice you could go into a room do that and see what the conversation was about....
Anyways yeah being able to see the previous chat messages would be nice you could go into a room do that and see what the conversation was about....
Last edited by amgine on Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
Yes, it's done.
Re: Opening box to chat should so previous chat messages
Hooray thanks this will really help players who use certain commands frequently!
Bitfighter Forever.
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