Pleiades Enhancements
1. Add date to entries: It'd be nice to see a date line added to entries on Pleiades, listing when the level was uploaded to the database, as well when it was revised (if applicable). A timestamp for comments would also be appreciated. I think it's cool to learn roughly when a level was created, and timestamps on comments are important for determining if a level was revised before or after the comment.
2. Expand front page collections: I like the categories on the front page that list recently updated, highest rated, and most downloaded levels. However these collections only stop at 8 levels. It'd be nice to either have a "more" link in the lower right of each collection or have the header clickable. These links would lead to a full search of the database, queried in order of latest revision, level rating, or download count, as applicable.
3. Search by tag: Judging by the lone word "Tags" on the search page I gather this is a work in progress, so I'm just adding my support here. The ability to add a few pre-determined tags to a level, then search by those tags, would be a godsend in filtering through the database. I'd suggest tags like: Large, Small, Teams (unchecking this tag = ffa), Engineer, Levelgen, Asymmetrical.
4. Edit author credit: I like uploading levels to Pleiades and sharing my favorites but am discouraged by the inability to change author credit. Without this I cannot upload levels by other users unless I specify in the description that it wasn't by me -- which is a hassle and I suspect isn't always read by users before downloading.
So to address this: Have an editable author text field in the level entry's settings. Backend-wise, you still have access to all of the entry's settings. Frontend-wise, it's credited to a different author, linked under their profile if they have a Pleiades account, and mentions you nowhere (except maybe an "uploaded by:" credit). If the user credited has a Pleiades account, they'll receive a notification about it and can contact you in case of error. If the user doesn't have a Pleiades account, their author name will be unclickable, until they register at which point the level will be added to their profile.
The advantage of an freely editable author line is that (a) someone not on Pleiades can still be credited and (b) "Anonymous" or "Undetermined" can be listed if author credits are not known. To avoid abuse, an accounted entitled "Anonymous" or "Undetermined" should probably be created by a Bitfighter dev. Just not "Unknown" as that's an actual user.
I can add these individually to google code if requested, but I'm not sure if the project is just for the game or if it accepts web stuff too.