Sat May 02, 2015 12:32 pm by amgine
Back on topic because I derailed it.
I think bouncer turrets could be really good cause the turrets would shoot people around corners and such.
Triple would be good because though its range is more limited it has more spread and fire power over a short range mkiong it powerfull close range.
Mine turret albiet it difficult would be interesting having a mine placed in te spot the ship passed AFTER it goes trough stopping any perusing/escaping ships behind them.
Burst Turrets Are problem matic because they are really powerfull and have to be used sparilgy probably good to have them fire at a slower rate to make them easier to use.
Seeker Turrets would be interesting due to the fact its shots would chase players around.
So realisticly with good buffers and use I could see good aplication for all of these.
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