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How to have automatic bots in levels...



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Posts: 426

Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:07 pm

Post Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:09 pm

How to have automatic bots in levels...

So one day when I was doing my "/random"ing, I found this level called "Calico". I noticed an S_Bot pushing the ball. I got confused because I never added a bot. i restarted the level and AGAIN, the bot was there. So I "/getmap"ed it and looked at the code. And I found an area about robot.

SoccerGameType 10 8
BotsPerTeam 4
LevelName Calico
GridSize 280
Team Blue 0 0 1
Team Red 1 0 0
Team Green 0 1 0
Team Sky 0 1 1
Team glass 1 3 9
Team yellow 8 3 0
Script missingfile.levelgen
#Robot 0 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 1 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 2 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 3 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 4 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 5 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 0 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 1 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 2 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 3 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 4 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
#Robot 5 qbot.bot .5 1 0 1 .25
SpyBug -1 5 14
SoccerBallItem -1 14
GoalZone 0 -1.93715e-07 17  1.5 17  1 17.6  3.50177e-07 18.9
GoalZone 1 -1.93715e-07 9  1.8 11.4  1.5 11  3.57628e-07 11
BarrierMaker 50 0 15  0 19  3 15
Spawn 0 1 16
Spawn 1 1 12
Spawn 2 4 16
Spawn 0 0 14
Spawn 5 7 16
BarrierMaker 50 3 15  3 19  6 15
BarrierMaker 50 6 15  6 19  8.9 15
BarrierMaker 50 0 13  0 9  3 13  3 9  6 13  6 9
BarrierMaker 50 6 9  8.9 13  9.1 13  10 12
BarrierMaker 50 -2 15  0 15  -2 15  -2 13  0 13
Turret 0 0.1 16.9  0
Turret 0 1.4 16.9  0
Turret 0 0.1 16.7  0
Turret 0 1.5 16.7  0
ForceFieldProjector 0 0.1 16  0
GoalZone 4 6 9.1  7.8 11.5  7.5 11.1  6 11.1
GoalZone 3 3 9.1  4.8 11.5  4.5 11.1  3 11.1
GoalZone 2 3 17  4.5 17  4 17.6  3 18.9
GoalZone 5 6 17  7.5 17  7 17.6  6 18.9
Turret 2 3.1 16.9  0
Turret 2 4.4 16.9  0
Turret 2 3.1 16.7  0
Turret 2 4.5 16.7  0
Turret 5 6.1 16.9  0
Turret 5 7.4 16.9  0
Turret 5 6.1 16.7  0
Turret 5 7.5 16.7  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 -0.1 13.1  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 -0.1 14.9  0
ForceFieldProjector 1 0.1 12  0
ForceFieldProjector 2 3.1 16  0
ForceFieldProjector 5 6.1 16  0
Turret 1 0.1 11.1  0
Turret 1 0.1 11.3  0
Turret 1 1.4 11  0
Turret 1 1.5 11.2  0
ForceFieldProjector 3 3.1 12.1  0
Turret 3 3.1 11.2  0
Turret 3 3.1 11.4  0
Turret 3 4.5 11.2  0
Turret 3 4.6 11.4  0
Turret 4 6.1 11.2  0
Turret 4 6.1 11.4  0
ForceFieldProjector 4 6.1 12.1  0
Turret 4 7.5 11.2  0
Turret 4 7.6 11.4  0
BarrierMaker 50 8.9 15  9.1 15  10 16
BarrierMaker 50 10 12  10 16
Turret -1 -1.9 13.3  0
Turret -1 -1.9 14.7  0
Turret -1 -1 13.1  0
Turret -1 -1 14.9  0
Turret -1 -1.8 14.9  0
Turret -1 -1.8 13.1  0
Turret -1 -1.9 14  0
Turret -1 -1.9 13.7  0
Turret -1 -1.9 14.3  0
Spawn 3 4 12
ForceFieldProjector -1 8.9 14.9  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 9.1 14.9  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 9.1 13.1  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 8.9 13.1  0
Turret -1 9 13.1  0
Turret -1 9 14.9  0
Turret -1 9.9 14  0
Turret -1 9.9 13.9  0
Turret -1 9.9 14.1  0
Turret -1 9.9 15  0
Turret -1 9.9 13  0
SoccerBallItem 4.5 14
SoccerBallItem 9.5 14
LoadoutZone 3 4.2 11.7  3.4 11.7  3.4 11.4  4.2 11.4
LoadoutZone 4 7.2 11.7  6.4 11.7  6.4 11.4  7.2 11.4
LoadoutZone 0 1.2 16.7  0.4 16.7  0.4 16.4  1.2 16.4
LoadoutZone 2 4.2 16.7  3.4 16.7  3.4 16.4  4.2 16.4
LoadoutZone 5 7.2 16.7  6.4 16.7  6.4 16.4  7.2 16.4
LoadoutZone 1 1.2 11.6  0.4 11.6  0.4 11.3  1.2 11.3
Spawn 4 7 12
SpyBug -1 2 14
SpyBug -1 7 14
SpyBug -1 4 14


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Posts: 839

Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:31 pm

Location: Zanzibar Land

Post Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: How to have automatic bots in levels...

If you want to read more about this here is a link to the wiki. http://bitfighter.org/wiki/index.php/Us ... To_A_Level

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