My complete thoughts on bitfighter so far.
The Idea:
The idea surrounding bitfighter is simply to basically make a multiplayer game of asteroids mixed with online fighting elements. It works well, however.. It is missing some key elements of online fighters. For example:
Vote kicking.
Hell, Even modding.. And I do not mean just bots.. I mean new items in the level editor.
The community:
The community of bit fighter usually makes me want to play the fawking game. But, Sometimes it just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. Trolls as far as the eye can see.
The design:
Bitfighter's graphics are a breath of fresh air too me after a LONG day of school and plenty of other bull. I honestly have nothing to say about bit fighters graphics other than they are amazing. However, They are missing one TINY detail, And thats a glow effect, It might just be me, but still..
The gameplay:
Addictive as fuq. And map making has never been so easy yet fun.
And thats really all.