Post Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:06 am

Show some support on GameJolt!

I made a thread on GameJolt that does get bypassed quite a bit...

Here's a quick tip, stick to a website's forums to show that you all support Bitfighter, try out other games and then become a promoter and tell people about the game, but only within the live chatrooms. That would peak some interest as I'm literally the only one that actually posts about Bitfighter in the Let's Player's chat.

What I mean is show some interest on THEIR forums, that way you can grab someone else's interest if there's enough activity going on in their forums (I'm not saying abandon THESE forums), having that activity showing interest on other forums will do much more than just leaving a rating and comment on the game's page.

Feel free to post your support for bitfighter on the link! ... oter/2676/

Also don't spam the live channel with Bitfighter stuff!