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Joystick overhaul



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Post Sun Dec 20, 2015 12:34 pm

Joystick overhaul


I'm reworking how we do joysticks in Bitfighter and I need a little help from the joystick users.

First some background: We will be implementing joysticks how Steam does them. This means that every joystick or controller can be mapped to an XBox-like joystick like this:

It doesn't really matter where the triggers or axes are, or what the button names are - they will become an Xbox controller!

This means I would like to know a few things from anyone who is willing to chime in:

1. What controller type do you use?
2. If your controller were to mimic the XBox controller shown above, what layout do you use for Bitfighter? (For example, what button is 'fire', what axis is 'shoot', etc.
3. Anything else you'd like to share about having joystick improvements to the game.


Controllermap utilities
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Last edited by raptor on Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add links to controllermap utility


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Post Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:55 am

Re: Joystick overhaul

I only have a crappy USB controller for my computer that looks more like a PS controller but with 6 buttons on the right side and as far as I know it's not mappable. So super annoying.

But I have played many joystick based shooters on various consoles, so I have a feel of what buttons normally do what kind of action.

I would use the left stick for movement, and the right stick for aiming/firing. Rather than an actual "fire" button, I would just have it shoot whenever you use the stick to aim. This would provide for near instant reaction time since your thumb is always on it.

Left trigger would be first module, right trigger would be secondary module.

Left and right buttons would be previous and next weapon.

Y would be loadout select.

D-pad would be to select menu items and loadout options (I've always disliked using a joystick for fixed items since it has a tendency to go more than you wanted)

A would be select menu item or loadout option.

B would be Back.

Clicking the left stick would use first module's double-tap mode (like turbo's boost mode). The right stick would be the same for secondary module if any other modules ever got similar modes.

X could be quickchat menu.

Exciting changes!
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


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Post Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:25 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

Skybax, you're controller is map-able and I am currently working on providing a utility to create the mapping. What OS are you running?



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Post Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:05 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

Windows 10 point whatever the newest version is
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


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Post Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:38 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

OK, let's see if this works...

Skybax, if you're willing, here is a utility I'd like you to run to create a mapping for your controller:


Unzip, run the program found inside, follow the instructions, and post the mapping to this forum thread.



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Post Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:44 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

I got the controllermap utility working for OSX, too. So if any OSX users want to run it and post their mapping, that would be great!

Here it is:


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Post Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:13 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

It wouldn't let me attach the .txt so here's the code stuff anyways
79000600000000000000504944564944,USB Joystick          ,platform:Windows,x:b0,a:b2,b:b3,y:b1,back:b4,start:b5,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b6,lefttrigger:b8,rightshoulder:b7,righttrigger:b9,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


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Post Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:59 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

Thanks! I'll add it to our database.

Any problems with the tool? I know it's a bit clunky, but apparently it's not unusable...

Skybax, is your controller, by any chance, a 'G-Shark GP-702 gamepad' ?


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Post Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:50 pm

Re: Joystick overhaul

The tool worked nicely. I liked it's simplicity and ease of use.

And nope. It says "Sabrent" on it.

Found it
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?

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