Joystick overhaul
I'm reworking how we do joysticks in Bitfighter and I need a little help from the joystick users.
First some background: We will be implementing joysticks how Steam does them. This means that every joystick or controller can be mapped to an XBox-like joystick like this:
It doesn't really matter where the triggers or axes are, or what the button names are - they will become an Xbox controller!
This means I would like to know a few things from anyone who is willing to chime in:
1. What controller type do you use?
2. If your controller were to mimic the XBox controller shown above, what layout do you use for Bitfighter? (For example, what button is 'fire', what axis is 'shoot', etc.
3. Anything else you'd like to share about having joystick improvements to the game.
Controllermap utilities
Reason: Add links to controllermap utility