Upcoming Game: Friday, June 19th at 9:00 PM ET
Thanks for playing last Friday! Numbers weren't quite as hot as in previous weeks, but we still had several fun games of 4v4 and 3v3. For this Friday I propose playing on a general server, maybe Pleiades, or someone can host like Duck Pond! The contest server has been fun the last three game nights, but we don't want to play it TOO much and get sick of those maps haha! 

So let's play this Friday, June 19th at 9:00pm Eastern in Pleiades or whatever general server. Of course, if people prefer to play in the contest server then we certainly can, it's just a suggestion.

So let's play this Friday, June 19th at 9:00pm Eastern in Pleiades or whatever general server. Of course, if people prefer to play in the contest server then we certainly can, it's just a suggestion.