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Upcoming Game: THURSDAY, July 2nd at 9:30 PM Eastern



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Post Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:59 am

Upcoming Game: THURSDAY, July 2nd at 9:30 PM Eastern

Thanks for playing on Friday! Took us a little while to build up numbers, but we got to seven players for a fair bit. Shoutout to Zero for sticking with us from the start when it just the three of us. Was also nice to see another old-timer again, Mexigo!

That being said, the switch to Fridays after requests from folks has not quite been as great as we might've hoped. While we've had at least 6-7 players in all four of the Friday game nights this month, I don't believe we reached 5v5 once. Whereas in most of the Thursday game nights, 5v5 was our floor, with the ceiling being as high as 9v9 and 10v10. There are a lot of factors that could account for this, so I'm not saying it will necessarily be better if we switch nights, but it doesn't seem like it could really hurt, either! (Knock on wood... ;))

With that mind, let's go ahead and return to THURSDAY evenings for our game night! We can re-evaluate after three or four game nights, say at the end of July. I'd also like to try pushing back the time a little. In most of our games we've had increased numbers later in the parties as opposed to people showing up early and leaving, plus much of the Bitfighter player base lives in Mountain or Pacific time, so this should help with those folks coming home from work or activities. Let's try a half hour push to start (9:30pm Eastern), and could push back to 10pm Eastern in a week or two if feedback is good.

tl;dr - Game nights switching to Thursdays for the month of July, starting off with 9:30pm Eastern this Thursday, July 2nd.

PS. I post all of these updates to the Bitfighter Facebook and Twitter accounts if you'd prefer to receive that info there! Give the pages a like or follow and maybe we can snag some folks who stumble upon our social media!
Last edited by sky_lark on Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:40 am

Re: Upcoming Game: THURSDAY, July 3rd at 9:30 PM Eastern

By the way, it would be sweet if could give the Blitz contest server one last go, since a bunch of levels have now been updated! I know skybax revised all or nearly all of his levels, and I am doing the same, so that should be a good third of all the levels having new updates to enjoy!

It's of course just a suggestion and we can play where people want, but I think it'd be cool :)
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Post Thu Jul 02, 2020 1:11 pm

Re: Upcoming Game: THURSDAY, July 2nd at 9:30 PM Eastern

Reminder that the party is tonight, Thursday July 2nd at 9:30 PM Eastern! See y'all there :)
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