Seeking Party Levels!
I'm on the lookout for quality levels to add to my party playlists! I would love suggestions from the community. Levels should be:
• Small-ish, and playable with a 5 minute time cap
• Fun, be it through excellent design or some sort of novelty*
• Editable, if it's yours I'll need to be able to tweak it to fit themes
• Unique, I would prefer levels that we haven't all played a dozen times in past parties
*Good examples of novelty would be the shrunk version of Drex's Rabbit. Not exactly the cream of the crop in terms of level design, but it's frantic fun nonetheless. No dungeons please!
No deadline, so please add to this list as you see fit. Thanks!
*relocated to proper forum*
• Small-ish, and playable with a 5 minute time cap
• Fun, be it through excellent design or some sort of novelty*
• Editable, if it's yours I'll need to be able to tweak it to fit themes
• Unique, I would prefer levels that we haven't all played a dozen times in past parties
*Good examples of novelty would be the shrunk version of Drex's Rabbit. Not exactly the cream of the crop in terms of level design, but it's frantic fun nonetheless. No dungeons please!
No deadline, so please add to this list as you see fit. Thanks!
*relocated to proper forum*