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Any map like this?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:52 pm
by tazinator
- nexus covers big area, that ends up causing you to return flags one by one
Run away from the nexus if you want to collect a decent # of flags for points.

would like to play a map like that if one exists.

Re: Any map like this?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:15 pm
by sky_lark
That's a cool idea. I remember a map with a huge nexus that covered the entire map - I think it was epilepsy or something - and everyone was constantly returning flags, creating like a strobe effect. Pretty annoying and hilarious to be honest.

But, I don't recall any map that fits the description you put, where players must be strategic enough to balance instant scoring and bundled scoring. You should create it!