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Other users' maps on pleiades

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:37 pm
by raptor
Since it is quite easy to upload to to the level database, I think leaving it up to the users like we do is probably best. Plus it's no extra work! :)

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:03 pm
by amgine
But if users are no longer active It important to archive their levels and giving credit to someone else is wrong no?

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:40 pm
by Quartz
raptor wrote:Since it is quite easy to upload to to the level database, I think leaving it up to the users like we do is probably best. Plus it's no extra work! :)


We don't need to have the devs do everything for us. We were quite resourceful on our own in Zap! days, when we had no devs. No need to make a total 180.

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:30 pm
by amgine
I disagree if it was auto it would be LESS effort because it would be uploaded automatically and people would not have to take the time to archive a couple 10000+ levels.

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:00 pm
by sky_lark
Raptor, is a retroactive credit reassignment on the long-term plan for pleiades? Because I can totally upload some levels to the pleiades master account now, and let people enjoy them, but I would want to know they could be reassigned to the proper users at a later date. I'd hate to let a master account get all the credit... ;)

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:11 pm
by amgine
I agree giving the original author credit should be a #1 priotiy #2 should be having all levels uploaded to pleadies by default..... Like they do in other games

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:44 pm
by raptor
Any forums moderator can change the author of an uploaded level. I think that's how kaen set it up. I also have a script somewhere (mostly finished) that will take a directory full of levels, attempt to find the appropriate author, and upload it properly to pleiades. A 'pleaides' user is also set up for those levels that do not have authors that are in the forums.

I just need time to finish the script and put up all the released levels in the old forums.

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:30 am
by amgine
Execellent well done!

Would it be possible to do like In other games some of it has already been done. ( sorry not trying to advertise here.)

ALL Levels that were saved would auto upload to Pleadies as A a new map Or B as a updated version and C Be able to dowload the map directly into the editor. Most of the ground work is there already im starting to get a Strong intuition that bitfighter is going to Catch on in the Next 5 years...

A shame im not a mod I would really love to help because Raptor And Wattisimo are often to busy to help sam/Karkmavzkspy seems to be gone And we dont know if Bobaduck will fly his ship back to our universe.

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:45 am
by sky_lark
Raptor, can you make me a moderator with zero permissions then? So I can give Thread all his levels back without changing the status quo or anything.

Re: White Elephant Vol. 1 Contest RESULTS

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:52 pm
by raptor
OK, now that school is out for a couple weeks -

I checked the permissions: it looks like moderators can edit others' levels but not actually reassign the level to another user.

So... I'll have to write something to make the change.

sky_lark, if you could give me the database ID of each level that is thread's, I can quickly move them to his user with some back-end magic.

As for uploading levels of other people in the future, I think at least two things needs to be done:
1. Import old, released levels to the proper user (about 80% done with a script of mine). This would be a one-time run.
2. Provide a way for certain people to upload released levels for another user in the future, on an on-demand basis.

Re: Other users' maps on pleiades

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:27 pm
by amgine
3. Have all levels saved be automatically uploaded to pleadies.

Any idea on how long this would take maybe to version 20a or 20b?

Re: Other users' maps on pleiades

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:55 am
by raptor
Amgine, please don't hijack the thread. That feature is not being discussed here and I've already made my thoughts clear on it.

sky_lark, I forgot to mention there is an relatively easy way to grab all the database IDs for the levels. On your user level list here:

Usually you can just hover over each link with the mouse and it'll show the link location, ending in a number. That number is the ID. That way you don't have to click into each level. (But maybe you already knew that.)

Re: Other users' maps on pleiades

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:02 pm
by amgine
Ok ... sorry.

I just relized whats preventing people from claiming a others map ie taking the map changing the name and user and reuploading.... can we put a map checker on pleadies?