The Great Game Grower Group (GGGG)
Idea #1: Ads: This has been discussed in great detail before. I need some prototype ads though, and if I can find some time I'll create some myself. The ad needs the following:
1)A bitfighter ship.
2)The bitfighter logo.
3)"Fast, fun, Frenetic" (this is the bitfighter slogan.)
4)Optionally, if it links to the bitfighter website when clicked, it would save massive amounts of work. If you don't know how to do this and just have the design skills, this is still acceptable.
5)Professional quality. Like seriously, no stick figures, no grainyness.
6)For a list of usual banner ad sizes, look here:
Once we have a pool of ads to work with, I or perhaps other group members will look into finding sites and paying money to put ads on them. I would also recommend putting the ads in signatures on forums where it is not against the forum rules.
Idea #2: People online: If we were to hit a large enough community via advertising, this would be for the most part solved for us, but the main problem with new players is that they don't stick because of lack of people. I myself will, once the GGGG gets going, be hosting a server after I get home from work and I will leave myself generically logged on to it to welcome anyone.
Idea #3: Word of mouth: Traditionally, bitfighter was spread by word of mouth more than anything else. This is effective but much, MUCH, too slow. Getting friends together and hosting LAN parties will help greatly in either case.
Idea #4: Community development: Once we have a larger community (I'm thinking about four times our current size would be good), it would be powerful to continue _k's level contests thing. At this point, hosting tournaments and contests and such will help greatly with keeping the community and attracting other players (when friends see the gaming mouse I won from _k's contests, for example.)
If you are interested in getting involved with this, contact me via PM or post in this thread. If you have big ideas but don't want to get seriously involved, post the ideas here. If you want to get involved though, I want commitment. This won't happen if we have a group of lazy people.
Also maybe when it gets rolling we can get Watusimoto or Raptor or someone to give us custom forum titles.
Also if we do this well we can put it on our resumes. RESUMES, PEOPLE.
Lets make this happen.
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation
Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes