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/addbots setting

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Should there be a /addbots setting for admins only?

Total votes : 8


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Post Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:03 pm

/addbots setting

Hi this is amgine here to suggest a idea it would be a setting for your server that would be /addbots then yes or no as a value if yes only the admins can add bots if no anyone cant add bots i hope this will help to alleviate bot spammers.

please vote yes or no as well as post your comments on the ideas.
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Post Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:43 am

Re: /addbots setting



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Post Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:48 am

Re: /addbots setting

Spammers suck, but here's the flip side: Playing solo, just waiting for players and unable to add bots yourself sucks even more. Seriously, why should I bother waiting in-game for people to join if I can't pass the time with bots?

We should find a compromise that allows bots to be added by anyone, but reduces spam. The most logical fix is to simply limit the number of commands a user can perform within a time period. This already exists with starting votes, just adapt it to bots.
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Post Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:17 pm

Re: /addbots setting

sky_lark wrote:Spammers suck, but here's the flip side: Playing solo, just waiting for players and unable to add bots yourself sucks even more. Seriously, why should I bother waiting in-game for people to join if I can't pass the time with bots?

We should find a compromise that allows bots to be added by anyone, but reduces spam. The most logical fix is to simply limit the number of commands a user can perform within a time period. This already exists with starting votes, just adapt it to bots.

1.Well more often then not if its just you then you wont be playing at all

2. also even if say you set the time to 30 seconds they will still add 999 bots every 30 seconds (yes ive had somone add 999 bots before

3. if you have to vote to add bots people will always vote againts you from making it fair to keep the advantage. (example its 2 vs 1 and you want to add bots but bolth people vote no making it unfair.)

4. even more problematic is if team balance is set to on if somone spams bots it turns team balanceing off.

I think my idea is the lesser of 3 evils.
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Post Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:12 pm

Re: /addbots setting

1. I completely disagree. I like Bitfighter. If nobody's on, I'm not just going to leave and hope someone is on later. I'll sit in the game for a few minutes hoping someone will come on, and if not I can quit. This really sucks without bots.

Furthermore, sometimes I just like playing with bots. I realize I'm probably in the minority here, but I enjoy the challenge of wading through 10 bots to get to the flag. It's entertaining, humorous, and exciting. This really sucks without bots.

2. Well, you can stack the punishments. If they add 1k bots every 30s for 2x in a row, then the 3rd time they may have to wait 60s. And the 4th time they have to wait 120s. Bitfighter can be programmed to look out for this and scale the delays accordingly.

3. I agree with this. I don't think bots should be regulated by votes, at least to an extent. I could see value in a voting system, but as you pointed out it'd be hard to get around a couple guys being jerks and screwing over the majority numbers.

4. Could you rephrase this? Or maybe provide an example? I'm not sure I understand you.[/quote]
I appreciate your counter-points, amgine. You raised some good ideas. However, I still stand firmly by my argument. I enjoy playing solo with bots and I don't think that should be taken away as a method of combating spammers.
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Post Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:33 pm

Re: /addbots setting

1. you could jsut host your own server to play on..... also it could be chosen by the server hoster to be on it will be off by default so many (and most servers i would imagine would still alwo players to add bots.

2. One can chage the vote strngh values for your server only so hte value always becomes - (failed)then with my idea only admins could add bots.

3. as for the stacked punishment idea i kinda defer to three what if you keep trying to add bots to make it fair but they keep kicking them then you must wait longer and longer times to add bots and by the time you finally are able to eventually they will have won.

4. there is a setting in the ini that is auto balance teams that is whne
players spawn or default bots spawn they are evened out among hte teams but if bots are added the autobalance turns off automatic.

I understand and respect your ideas i would be welcome to discuss more ideas also im bumping this thread to get more posts.
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