Secondary Fire Key
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Imagine. you're playing Bitfighter having a blast when suddenly, you can't seem to shoot that guy that keeps hiding behind a corner like any human with cognitive thinking abilities would! so you switch weapons to burst and- BAM YOU'RE DEAD BECAUSE IT TOOK SO GOSH DARN LONG TO CHANGE WEAPONS. I propose a world where one could fire multiple weapons without clumsily fiddling with the weapon cycle key or pressing the 1 2 and 3 keys leaving yourself open to torrents of phasers. I propose the Secondary Fire Key. I guarantee it will change how you play, and how you live. Make the right choice. Choose the Secondary Fire Key.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
You can just change the key bindings in the options menu of bitfighter to make cycling weapons easier.
Last edited by amgine on Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
If we had two weapons, say on the mouse buttons, where would the modules go? Aren't we constrained by a number of joystick buttons?
Re: Secondary Fire Key
And wouldn't 2 weapons fireing at the same time be over powered?
seeker + burst >> phaser
seeker + burst >> phaser
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
raptor wrote:If we had two weapons, say on the mouse buttons, where would the modules go? Aren't we constrained by a number of joystick buttons?
I use L-shift and space for modules which I think were the defaults for Zap!. even then it would be completely rebindable. I'm not super sure what you mean by the second sentence. Could you elaborate?
amgine wrote:And wouldn't 2 weapons fireing at the same time be over powered?
Re: Secondary Fire Key
I don't own a joystick, but I thought we had already hit the limit of buttons we use on the joysticks. Adding another for a secondary weapon would put us over the limit (or so I thought). I don't know, which is why I asked the question.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
Little_Apple wrote:Only if you have unlimited energy. If you mindlessly sprayed out bouncer+triple it might be very deadly, but you would also end up with next to no energy and wide open to attack from anyone who used shield like a normal thinking human.
This is a pretty crucial point, because firing two weapons simultaneously would be quite powerful, but only for the second or two it lasts for.
From a design perspective I think this feature is fairly logical. Ships can use two modules and one weapon simultaneously, but not two modules with two weapons at the same time.
To be honest I don't think switching weapons is all that intrusive. Rather than this being a problem needing to be solved, I do think it might enhance Bitfighter by emphasizing the different weapons Bitfighter has. Despite there being four projectile weapons, phaser is the only one used significantly by most players. This feature might entice people to use another weapon since they could still achieve the advantages of phaser while utilizing the advantages of other weapons. It'd sure be nice to see more than just purple dots on the screen!
Re: Secondary Fire Key
problem is some weps have a low energy usage like a seeker so would we havef to rebuff all the weapons ?
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
Curious: how would the controls work for this?
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
Presumably there'd be an additional button that could be mapped to use this. I'm not sure how it'd work on joystick, but on keyboard this could easily be the right mouse button or left shift key.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
I think one weapon key is better because unless the joystick problem is solved keyboard users would have a advantage over joystick users...
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
I'm not really in favor of this, personally... the controls are already pretty complicated for a "casual" game. Adding more complexity seems a step in the wrong direction (says one of the proponents of double-tap).
Re: Secondary Fire Key
yeah unless key bindings can be simplified Its better to have 1 key.
Bitfighter Forever.
Re: Secondary Fire Key
Secondary weapons were, for me personally, a bit difficult to actually use in Escape Velocity
I am not a fan of this idea.
I am not a fan of this idea.
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun
Re: Secondary Fire Key
Problem is if you use 2 weapons to for like 5 seconds and zap all the players then they would be left defesnless im jsut concerened it would break maps as laser beams turrets ect would be more vurnable.
Bitfighter Forever.
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