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Repair and its effect on teammates

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Santiago ZAP

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Post Fri May 15, 2020 12:10 am

Repair and its effect on teammates

So, uh, repair is kind of an interesting module, people either take it to heal neutral turrets/forcefields, or to self-heal and basically not die, and repair is preety good at its job there!

But one aspect I think kinda sucks with repair is, well, as a support for your teammates, if you want to heal an ally, you have to basically kiss their ship, and in situations like CTF, Retrieve, etc... your dude has to basically stand still to be healed, and its rate is abysmal considering the ShieldTurbo spammers are on their way already.

Should we increase Repair's rate or range? nah, again, repairs REALLY good at the first two previously mentioned jobs, that is, Self-sustain and turret/FF repair, so I want to see if anyone's got an idea for how to help the last aspect stand out a bit more.


Suggestion 1- Increase range for allied ships only, no turret-Forcefields.

To be honest, the boring solution to this, but I want to see how everyone's up for this next one

Suggestion 2- An alternative repair, that only affects allies in a cone
I'll have to explain a bit of what I mean here, so;

We have the Double tap boost module there, the idea is that you can double tap repair to switch between these two modes, one of course being the default repair, but the second one being, well, this:

Instead of auto healing in a circle, you heal in a cone in front of you that ONLY affects allied ships, and at a much faster rate than normally (x2?), but cant heal yourself.

This works to make repair viable in the previously mentitoned Zone control, CTF moments where your main flag-carrier needs help, and doesn't put itself in a "stand-still" situation, or you for that matter, it also adds a bit of skill on you trying to follow your ally with your aiming, and adds a bit of a supporting role to bitfighter.

please discuss in the comments how this is such a great idea
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Post Fri May 15, 2020 2:36 pm

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

Instantaction's Z.A.P., one of the changes they made was they dramatically increased repairs rate (you could heal a forcefield to full in like, 2 seconds) and it made for really dumb repetitive gameplay on any map with any sort of a gate.

I would, however, support a change where the repair range and speed is increased for allied ships /only/. (self repair would remain the same). This would open up some interesting possibilities for supportive play, for example, two armor/repair units, or an armor acting as a juggernaut with several repair-ers supporting him.

bobdaduck proposal:
1) Range increase for repair to find allied ships increased by 2
2) repair rate for allied ships increased by x1.5
3) repair energy drain on allied ships increased by 1.5x
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Post Wed May 20, 2020 2:39 pm

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

Here's a wacky idea: Double the distance of repair for ships... but have repair work on enemy ships too.

I'm sure there's a bunch of reasons why this would be a bad idea, but it's fun to think about :D
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Post Thu May 21, 2020 10:00 am

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

Doesn’t it work like that in Nexus and Bitmatch games already where the game says you’re technically still on the same team?
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Post Thu May 21, 2020 10:03 am

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

Why not have repair get more range but take longer based on how far you are from the object and how many objects you are healing

that and add a double tap heal burst option
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Santiago ZAP

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Post Wed May 27, 2020 7:18 pm

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

amgine wrote:Why not have repair get more range but take longer based on how far you are from the object and how many objects you are healing

that and add a double tap heal burst option

But make the burst only affect allies? So's to not buff the already great self-sustain repair gives.
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Post Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:59 am

Re: Repair and its effect on teammates

Yeah But I honestly feel heal rates needs a buff more often then not the massive amount of time it takes to repair something is never worth the time it takes for it to be destoryed.

giving it a increased repair rate would be good.

another interesting dynamic of having a double tap heal is you could have a fast heal BUT you wont be able to heal as much if you double tapped as if you slower healed.
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