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CTF - Hyperspace Zone - Dr. Spacebar



Posts: 69

Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:34 pm

Post Sun May 08, 2011 6:22 am

CTF - Hyperspace Zone - Dr. Spacebar

A speed zone with 4000 speed is pretty fast, wouldn't you say? There are four sections of the map, and they're very far apart, but the speed zones will help you go that far quickly! They're so fast you'll bounce off the wall when you get to your destination. The choice is yours on whether or not to Shield or Cloak when you go in a speed zone, and Repair has a few turret opportunities between the bases.

CTFGameType 10.000 10
LevelName Hyperspace Zone
LevelDescription Now that's one heckuva speed zone!
LevelCredits Dr. Spacebar
GridSize 255
MinPlayers 0
MaxPlayers 0
Team Cyan 0 1 1
Team Forest 0 0.5 0
BarrierMaker 50 -10.3 -9  -9 -9  -9 -10.3
BarrierMaker 1 13 -15  15 -15  15 -17  13 -17  13 -15
BarrierMaker 50 -9 -10.7  -9 -12  -17 -12  -17 -9  -10.7 -9
BarrierMaker 50 -8.8 -10.8  8.8 -10.8
BarrierMaker 50 10.3 -9  9 -9  9 -10.3
BarrierMaker 50 8.8 -10.2  -8.8 -10.2
BarrierMaker 50 10.7 -9  12 -9  12 -14  9 -14  9 -10.7
BarrierMaker 50 -10.3 9  -9 9  -9 10.3
BarrierMaker 50 -10.7 9  -12 9  -12 14  -9 14  -9 10.7
BarrierMaker 50 -10.2 -8.8  -10.2 8.8
BarrierMaker 50 -10.8 8.8  -10.8 -8.8
BarrierMaker 1 -15 17  -13 17  -13 15  -15 15  -15 17
BarrierMaker 50 10.3 9  9 9  9 10.3
BarrierMaker 50 10.7 9  17 9  17 12  9 12  9 10.7
BarrierMaker 50 8.8 10.2  -8.8 10.2
BarrierMaker 50 -8.8 10.8  8.8 10.8
BarrierMaker 50 10.2 8.8  10.2 -8.8
BarrierMaker 50 10.8 -8.8  10.8 8.8
LoadoutZone 0 13 -17  15 -15  13 -15
LoadoutZone 1 -15 15  -13 17  -13 15
Teleporter 13.3 -15.3  11 -13
SpeedZone -10.5 -9.1  -10.5 13  4000
Teleporter 11.6 -13.6  14 -16
TextItem 0 9.3 -10.4  11.8 -10.4  62 Hyperspace Booster
SpeedZone -9 10.5  16 10.5  4000
Teleporter -13.3 15.3  -11.2 13.2
TextItem 1 -11.7 10.6  -9.2 10.6  62 Hyperspace Booster
Teleporter -11.6 13.6  -14 16
SpeedZone 9 -10.5  -16 -10.5  4000
SpeedZone 10.5 9  10.5 -13  4000
TextItem -1 -6.5 0  9 0  255 Made by Dr. Spacebar
Spawn 0 14 -16
Spawn 0 14.8 -15.2
Turret -1 -13 -9.098  0
Spawn 1 -13.2 16.8
Spawn 1 -14 16
ForceFieldProjector 1 -14.3 15.001  0
ForceFieldProjector 1 -13.001 16.3  0
FlagItem 1 -14.8 16.8
Turret 1 -14.5 16.998  5
Turret 1 -14.998 16.5  5
Spawn 1 -14.8 15.2
RepairItem -14.5 16.5  20
Turret -1 -15 -9.098  0
Turret -1 -15 -11.901  0
FlagItem 0 14.8 -16.8
SpyBug 0 11 -14
ForceFieldProjector 0 14.3 -15.001  0
Turret 0 14.998 -16.5  5
Turret 0 14.5 -16.998  5
Spawn 0 13.2 -16.8
RepairItem 14.5 -16.5  20
Turret -1 15 9.098  0
Turret -1 15 11.901  0
Turret -1 13 9.098  0
Turret -1 13 11.901  0
ForceFieldProjector 0 13.001 -16.3  0
SpyBug 0 12 -13
Turret -1 -13 -11.901  0
You know those YouTube videos that make you instantly hit Pause, close your browser, and vow never to go on to YouTube again?


Posts: 1036

Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:56 pm

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:34 pm

Re: CTF - Hyperspace Zone - Dr. Spacebar

i dont feel like this is really playable with four or less players. For a big map, gameplay will probably work out greatly, considering with so much room that youc an spread out and defend easier.

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