This next iteration of EnderBot is much better - it has aggression and defensive options. It chooses whether to fight or stay focused on the objective based on its current status and the other player's/bot's status.
It still only supports CTF, but that is easily changed.
Shielding is still bugged, but is better than it was.
WARNING: THIS BOT IS CPU INTENSIVE. It took up both of my cores at 80%, and I have an insanely fast CPU.
Format of arguments:
<Skill Level [0-1]> <Agression [0-1]> <Defensive [0,1]> <Max Speed [0-1]> <Switch Threshold [0-1]>
Definition of arguments:
Skill Level - 0 is impossibly bad, 1 is very good.
Agression - 0 means that it only focuses on its objective, and 1 means it goes after any enemy ships.
Defensive - 0 means that it is an offensive team member and 1 means that it is a defender.
Max Speed - 0 means that it won't move, 1 means that it will go as fast as possible.
Switch Threshold - How often the bot switches orbit direction when fighting with a ship. 0 means it is always switching and 1 means that it only switches when its shield is constantly on for 20 steps.
Implementation (Creates 2 bots per team, one defense and one offense. All are easier bots.):