December Contest RESULTS
It was very close, so let's have a hearty round of applause for our runner up, BlackBird and his excellent map, Gamepad.
Without further ado, this month's levels and designers were as follows:
Celtic Arena - raptor
Curved Capture - +[Kuartificated]+
Disorder Down Under - raptor*
Distraction Curve - sam686
Figure8_2011 - _k*
Gamepad - BlackBird
Horatio the Soccer Player - Little_Apple
The KDE Desktop Environment - raptor*
Round-a-Base - Santiago ZAP
Son of Airlock: The Quickening - _k
This Is Life - ZoombeR
Tower Labyrinth - Dr. Spacebar
Trefoil Retrieve - raptor*
* denotes filler level
Thank you to everyone who submitted a map! A special thanks goes out to +[Kuartificated]+ for his very cool first submission, Curved Capture. This was a great round of entries! The server will stay up for a while. Map makers, you're welcome to explain your creations and/or post them in the Map Gallery!