Running Bug List

From Bitfighter
Revision as of 04:18, 20 February 2012 by Raptor (Talk | contribs)

This is a running bug list.

Right now it's mostly for regressions after the release of 016

General Bugs

  1. numpad keys are separate from their standard keyboard counterparts since the change to SDL. This makes loadout menus etc. not as workable
  2. Preserving load-outs.
    • Player has loadout xyz when level ends.
    • Next level starts, player gets default loadout abc
    • Player enters loadout zone -- should get loadout xyz again
    • When level ends, current loadout should become "on-deck" loadout, at least on levels with loadout zones.
  3. Mouse selection location problems when scrolling through levels
  4. Scrolling menus are wonky when typing letter to jump to relevant entry
  5. Undoing insertion of vertices into walls can be quirky
  6. 2pt barriers with points on top of each other do not load in editor -- walls fell prey to culling mechanism that removed duplicate points from walls
  7. User has no way of knowing how to lay spybugs (advantage through obscurity!)
  8. Add info about presets to help
  9. If unrecognized JS is detected, should use most recently selected joystick profile
  10. Verify twoplayer.bat -- could not reproduce bug, even on same machine where it was reported
  11. Dissalow user names with "%" in them -- this needs to happen at the forums level
  12. Core heartbeat is broken somehow
  13. Every gametype says 'Blast as many ships as you can' in the level info screen
  14. Hostile objects are pink/purple? Only on old levels, probably created with really old editor
  15. Hostile forcefield should let flags float through
  16. <space> to suspend snapping in editor doesn't suspend it for snapping objects at vertices (like a goalzone to a barrier)
  17. Phantom forcefields appear when testing a level in the editor after adding forcefields. Has this been fixed??

OS X Related

  1. Crash when exiting from main menu sometimes on Mac (ppc only?)
  2. Switching to fullscreen on Mac sometimes makes the window disappear - may be related to loss of opengl context or error with opengl pixel format
  3. command keys don't work on Mac
  4. Get Bitfighter working on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Windows Related

  1. Exiting bitfighter with music playing will crash the game and spike the CPU. Possible solutions:

Non-bugs stuff to do

  1. Get level stats into the database
  2. Get an achievement working
  3. Get the following stats into the database; they are already sent to the master
    1. playerStats.crashedIntoAsteroid
    2. playerStats.flagDrop
    3. playerStats.flagPickup
    4. playerStats.flagReturn
    5. playerStats.flagScore
    6. playerStats.switchedTeamCount
    7. playerStats.teleport