GCI Student Bootstrap

From Bitfighter
Revision as of 20:23, 21 November 2013 by Raptor (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome GCI students!

This page is to help you get set-up with Bitfighter. If you have any questions, please come by our IRC channel: #bitfighter


You need the following software to build bitfighter:

  1. Mercurial
  2. CMake
  3. Compiling/editing environment
    • Windows: Visual Studio 2013/2010 are known to work
    • OSX: We only have an old Xcode 3 project, so you might want to use a different OS
    • Linux: Anything you want! you'll be using 'make' and GCC to compile
  4. Create server-side clone
  5. Check-out the code. See the 'Checkout' option in your server-side clone
    • Command-line command: hg clone <SOME_URL>
    • Using TortoisHG. Click 'clone'


Steps to build Bitfighter. For more detailed information, see Building Bitfighter

Linux users, you will have to install dependecies found here: http://bitfighter.org/wiki/index.php/Building_Bitfighter#Detailed_Instructions

  1. Create project files for compiling
    1. Open a terminal and go into the 'build' sub-directory
    2. Run the appropriate 'cmake' command for your platform:
      • Linux command: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
      • Windows command: cmake -G "Visual Studio 2010" ..
        • You can use "Visual Studio 2013" as well
      • OSX command: nothing to be done, use the Xcode 3 projects or run on a different OS.
  2. Compile!
    • Windows:
      1. Open the solution file created by the cmake command in Visual Studio (found in the 'build' directory)
      2. Select 'Debug' build
      3. Once open, right-click on the 'bitfighter' project and click 'build'
    • Linux:
      1. In the 'build' directory, type 'make'
      2. Change to the '../exe' directory
      3. Run this command to make resources available: for file in `ls -1 ../resource` ; do ln -s ../resource/$file ; done
    • OSX: Build the application target in the Xcode 3 project (or use another OS)
  3. Run the game! It is found in the 'exe' directory, as 'bitfighter' or 'bitfighter.exe'

Coding Standards

To be done by watusimoto himself