Bitfighter 019 bugs
Add your bugs here!
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
sky_lark wrote:- Editor secrets page is way, messed up. Jumbled text and stuff.
sky_lark wrote:- Advance weapon is listed twice in the define keys menu - is this intentional?
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Fordcars wrote:-Using /rate gives Error 400 when you are not hosting the server. Sam686 says: "sometimes after you done hosting but not quit the game, and join a server, /rate sometimes continue to work"
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
sam686 wrote:Probably need to change that to have up to 2 buttons per command. It is for "Scroll up" "Scroll down" for mouse having a scroll spinning wheel, useful to easily change weapons.
Fordcars wrote:On windows xp, in the instructions, only the core is animated and nothing else (like bullets, teleporter etc)
tazinator wrote:Attempt to download
/dlmap kaen_Foiled
!!! Error connecting to server
bobdaduck wrote:Next, the moon!
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
raptor wrote:3. LineItem/TextItem have a 'Global' option now that is on by default in 019 editor.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer
watusimoto wrote:Crack?
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer
sky_lark wrote:Just a few minutes ago I played a session alone where I could not trigger it at all. A restart fixed the issue.
sky_lark wrote:On multiple occasions, double tapping boost will trigger its effect but instead show a full bar of energy on the energy bar.
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