Conquest Gamemode?
So here is it:
2 Teams, One Atacks and the other Defenders.
They must capture each checkpoint in order, (from 1 to 2 is ok, but from 1 to 3 ins't ok)
each checkpoint have a flag, (at the start a random player from the team will have the starting flag, if he dies, the flag will stay forever until picked up) when checkpoint 2 is conquered, the flag º2 will spawn close to it and you need to get it to capture the next one (must be in order like i said), if the Attacker's team capture all, they win's, and the Defenders will lose.
The atacker with the flag must wait 5 seconds with the flag on the checkpoint to capture it.
You must protect each checkpoint! to recover a conquered checkpoint, a player from the team must stay close to it and wait 15 seconds, but it will not work if there are enemy's around.
Notes: The map must be long, each team start at the end of each side of the map, and each checkpoint must have energy pack's & health pack around, (less than 4) and where each team start's, there will have a loadout zone, the screenshot in the archive will explain it.
More Notes: The Defender's will win if the other team don't capture all the zones before the time end's.
The attackers will win if they capture all the zones, if the time expire before capturing all, they lose, and the Defenders wins
Heroes never die!