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Fast Regen Movement Penalty

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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:09 am

Fast Regen Movement Penalty

I think movement should not reset your fast energy regeneration timer. It promotes camping, and intense action is one of Bitfighter's key traits.

Since firing or activating a module also resets the timer, I think removing the movement reset still makes fast regen a reward for skilled players. Not firing or using a module is just as (and I say even more) skillful than sitting still.
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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:24 pm

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

I've grown to really enjoy the "fast regen" function. It adds an extra challenge to the game and provides an opportunity to fight back even when on the verge of death. I've learned how to play more calmly and strategically, taking opportunities to stop and grab that energy boost, instead of desperately fleeing. It also encourages pursuers to be aggressive in their attacks, and not allow their enemies to gain the fast regen.

Even with my experience, sitting still for the few necessary seconds is extremely tricky in most circumstances. I have to balance the value of the regen with the risk of holding out until the last second. It's still a concept that I'm struggling to master, and I enjoy that challenge.

With that in mind, I'm concerned that allowing for movement during a regen will weaken the "barrier to entry" aspect of the regen, effectively making it easier to accomplish - even with the restricted module/weapon usage.

I don't deny that intense action and combat are key components of Bitfighter. I haven't exactly seen camping, per se, but I suppose it exists to some extent. But I also don't think that stopping to rest overly contradicts Bitfighter's chaotic fundamentals. Rarely have my rest breaks impacted my feelings of pressure or stress. Further, my stoppages almost always are followed by enemies, daring to prevent my regen, so there's action in that.

edit: I will point out, however, that my play style has changed significantly with the addition of the fast regen. As stated above, I now tend to play calmer defense, using walls and items to block shots and taking more careful routes. So you're definitely right about there being a shift in the game's action in some sense. But, nonetheless, I am content with that change, and I haven't witnessed an overall drop in intensity.
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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:27 pm

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

sky_lark wrote:I haven't exactly seen camping, per se, but I suppose it exists to some extent.
You haven't played Hunters err I mean Nexus with me enough then. (:
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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:13 pm

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun


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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:40 pm

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

I like it as-is. Stopping for a couple seconds just to get the regen is hardly camping. If someone was gonna camp, they'd do it for the purpose of camping, not for the purpose of getting the fast regen.
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Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:17 pm

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

what he said, when i feel like camping, i do it because I like camping. much more eloquent than me, just got out of the hospital :)
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun


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Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:14 am

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

I like the feature a lot, and I like it as-is. I find that finding a spot where I can sit tight to get the bonus is nerve wracking, as is waiting until the last possible second before attempting to flee an attacker to get just that little extra bit of juice.

I think being able to move would remove that tension.


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Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:35 am

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

watusimoto wrote:I like the feature a lot, and I like it as-is. I find that finding a spot where I can sit tight to get the bonus is nerve wracking, as is waiting until the last possible second before attempting to flee an attacker to get just that little extra bit of juice.

I think being able to move would remove that tension.

I completely agree.


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Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:13 am

Re: Fast Regen Movement Penalty

watusimoto wrote:I like the feature a lot, and I like it as-is. I find that finding a spot where I can sit tight to get the bonus is nerve wracking, as is waiting until the last possible second before attempting to flee an attacker to get just that little extra bit of juice.

I think being able to move would remove that tension.

Nailed it.
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