Improve graphics of asteroids
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Improve graphics of asteroids, nuff said.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
Improve graphics of everything on Bitfighter.
Right now, most objects is see through outline, being able to see stars behind the objects.
I have partly talked about improving graphics a while ago.
A whole new kind of bitfighter
Right now, most objects is see through outline, being able to see stars behind the objects.
I have partly talked about improving graphics a while ago.
A whole new kind of bitfighter
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
I don't care so much about the 'stroids looking better (right now they stick with the retro theme in that they totally jack from the game Asteroids) as much as I care about there being explosions when you shoot them.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
How can you improve perfection?
You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
make it worse then put it back. it makes it seem like it got better.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
Asteroid graphics cannot be improved, and will not be altered. They are not arbitrarily designed -- they are exact replicas of the original objects in the arcade game. (See the flash demo linked below, which I believe also accurately reproduces the original). Even the sounds come from the arcade game. ... _flash.php
Bitfighter graphics come from a long and storied tradition of vector graphics arcade games, which, sadly, are no longer being created. ... _flash.php
Bitfighter graphics come from a long and storied tradition of vector graphics arcade games, which, sadly, are no longer being created.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
watusimoto wrote:Bitfighter graphics come from a long and storied tradition of vector graphics arcade games, which, sadly, are no longer being created.
This is interesting. Even the resource items and test items came from past vector games? What about the bursts, triple shots, turrets, force fields, phasers, bouncers, and the ships?
It seems that a limited selective amount of graphics of bitfighter came from past vector games.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
watusimoto wrote:Asteroid graphics cannot be improved, and will not be altered. They are not arbitrarily designed -- they are exact replicas of the original objects in the arcade game.
I still want some kind of explosion. Even if it's just little white lines shooting off of the 'stroid when it breaks.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
^Also, more various styles of asteroids. The rocks look identical sometimes.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
Little_Apple wrote:make it worse then put it back. it makes it seem like it got better.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
CleverBot wrote:watusimoto wrote:Bitfighter graphics come from a long and storied tradition of vector graphics arcade games, which, sadly, are no longer being created.
This is interesting. Even the resource items and test items came from past vector games? What about the bursts, triple shots, turrets, force fields, phasers, bouncers, and the ships?
It seems that a limited selective amount of graphics of bitfighter came from past vector games.
Actually, weapons, items, test items and ships are all from Zap only.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
The only things to come from real arcade games are the asteroids, and some of the conceptual design of the core (though the details are very much our own).
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
Personally, I enjoy the rudimentary design of asteroids. I think it's a little tribute to the classic game that inspired (?) our predecessor.
Re: Improve graphics of asteroids
Bitfighter needs hats. Hats make everything more appealing.
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