[SPLIT] Graphics Discussion
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
karamazovapy wrote:Bitfighter isn't a shitty iPhone app.
karamazovapy wrote:Meanwhile, I think the current energy tax for death is staying the same, suicide or homicide.
Skybax wrote:Maybe leveling up could unlock different skins and stuff, like, not stuff that actually affected the gameplay, but just made your stuff unique. Like, you could make your phasers look all photon-blasterey instead of just purple spinning things. Or you could change the color of non-teamorientated parts of your ship. Just an idea.
karamazovapy wrote:Bitfighter isn't a shitty iPhone app.
karamazovapy wrote:Bitfighter isn't a shitty iPhone app.
I don't see anything wrong with this. Bitfighter's retro graphics aren't for everyone... I'd love to be able to toggle on stuff like charred walls, wisps of smoke, shiny walls, new ship skins, etc.
sam686 wrote:There have been a few ideas of mine in a past.
Smoke on skip explode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4z4lwCRSu4
Blue wall outline with dark blue wall fill may be hard to see. Not sure how to make a wall shiny in a 2D game.
Bitfighter currently have poor graphics, need to think of some ideas for better graphics. Mostly, the background is nothing with white dots. Maybe throw in some planets and moons in the background?
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation
Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
// flameports...
glColor(gray50, alpha);
static F32 flamePortPoints[] = { -12.5,0, -12.5,10, -12.5,10, -7.5,10, 7.5,10, 12.5,10, 12.5,10, 12.5,0 };
renderVertexArray(flamePortPoints, ARRAYSIZE(flamePortPoints) / 2, GL_LINES);
// colored insides
glColor(c, alpha);
glVertex2f(-12, -13);
glVertex2f(0, 22);
glVertex2f(12, -13);
U32 lineCount = U32(14 * health);
// health bar
for(U32 i = 0; i < lineCount; i++)
S32 yo = i * 2;
glVertex2f(-2, -11 + yo); // front of ship
glVertex2f(2, -11 + yo); // back of ship
// Grey outside part
glColor4f(0.7,0.7,0.7, alpha);
glVertex2f(-20, -15);
glVertex2f(0, 25);
glVertex2f(20, -15);
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation
Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Background is something to think about.
How hard would it be to change "grey" to "purple"?
karamazovapy wrote:I think the "enhanced" graphics of Z.A.P. were one of the primary contributors to that being a terrible game.
ZoombeR wrote:This is a matter of game and appeal, and quite honestly, there is absolutely no personalization of the gameplay besides using "relative" or "absolute" controls.
karamazovapy wrote:I have trouble imagining players who think the gameplay is fantastic but think the game is too "ugly" to play. I guess they could exist, but I've never worried much about those people. My next question is, if we offered configurable graphics options (such as we're able), would those minor alterations actually change the opinion of the graphics critics? Furthermore, would those players stick around once the novelty wore off?
How hard would it be to change "grey" to "purple"?
Depending on the details, not hard. Are you proposing changing the hardcolded color of an item that will be compiled into the game, or just the color you would see on your machine? I believe Sam added some settings to change the wall color in the INI, though I'm not sure if that has made it to a release or not. If not, you'll be able to do that in the next release.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Little_Apple wrote:But the glowy carp makes it better!
Little_Apple wrote:That would be awesome right?
ZoombeR wrote:sure, but neither do rankings, right?
ZoombeR wrote:(maybe a grayscale design on the ship?, which can easily change color).
sky_lark wrote:ZoombeR wrote:(maybe a grayscale design on the ship?, which can easily change color).
Okay, I think there's been a lot of confusion surrounding modification of ship design, and allow me to clear that up. My original suggestion to modify ship design did not include changing color. Rather, changing the design.
The Bitfighter ship is very simple. A triangle, with a line down the middle and a flame on the end. That's practically it. My suggestion was to make this ship look a little more... sophisticated. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it so I'll let you use your imaginations. Just picture it looking a bit more robotic or futuristic, but not dramatically changing the color scheme.
bobdaduck wrote:Lets make the graphics engine so that it won't run on anything but an alienware.
sam686 wrote:I can make sure it runs fine from my year 2003 computer, I know my graphics hardware can handle 3D texture graphics, so does most computers today. Many games have complicated, and pretty graphics to attract new players, yet often have simple multiplayer game play to make it easy for new players.bobdaduck wrote:Lets make the graphics engine so that it won't run on anything but an alienware.
Going farther into compatibility with old hardware, I could try my computer made in year 1998 (160 MB, AMD k6 533 MHz) which may be slow, but has hardware OpenGL acceleration. My old computer has my AGP Nvidia Vanta has limited 8 MB graphics memory. Hardware acceleraion makes drawing any graphics, including some texture graphics, won't hardly have any slow down.
If any extra, pretty graphics are added, they can be turned down or off in option menu, such as for old hardware or other reasons.
I guess space games like Bitfighter don't have many ways to improve graphics.
Little_Apple wrote:karamazovapy wrote:Bitfighter isn't a shitty iPhone app.
I don't see anything wrong with this. Bitfighter's retro graphics aren't for everyone... I'd love to be able to toggle on stuff like charred walls, wisps of smoke, shiny walls, new ship skins, etc.
The most convienent way to have new graphics I believe would be to make it sprite based. But from a recent talk with raptor, I know that would take a complete rewrite. So i don't think new graphics (sprite based graphic packs at least) are going to come around any time soon if at all. You would have to talk to ZoombeR sam686 and all the other developers to see if they are up for a full rewrite.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
ZoombeR wrote:
you could have easially viewed the 3d addition here
and I've posted a video on what it looks like here:
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
watusimoto wrote:Background is something to think about.
I've experimented with different backgrounds, and there are some ideas I like. I haven't really explored this in depth, but we can use the same star generator to generate, say, random hexagons (which surprisingly look pretty cool). I think there will be some of this in the future. Whether it's a private setting, or something that gets associated with a level is yet to be determined.How hard would it be to change "grey" to "purple"?
Depending on the details, not hard. Are you proposing changing the hardcolded color of an item that will be compiled into the game, or just the color you would see on your machine? I believe Sam added some settings to change the wall color in the INI, though I'm not sure if that has made it to a release or not. If not, you'll be able to do that in the next release.
BTW, if you have ideas for spiffing up the graphics, draw something in Photoshop and post it. But we probably won't consider anything that breaks the general theme of the game.
One final thought: I actually like the graphics as they are, but I'm a bit older than many of you, and I was raised playing vector graphics games like Asteroids and Battlezone and Star Castle and Star Trek and Star Wars, and I think there a real aesthetic that we're part of. Our graphics aren't crappy; their retro in a way that follows on from a real tradition.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
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